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Panel III: Emerging Forces: Diaspora Youth and Women's Unique Talent and Drive

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Type of Event
IOM and Cabo Verde

Conference Background

The International Conference on the Future Agenda of Action for Global Diaspora Engagement is to bring together the supporters of the Dublin Declaration to glean insights from leading-edge practices in diaspora engagement. Additionally, the conference seeks to inaugurate the Global Diaspora Policy Alliance. This alliance is envisioned as a pivotal foundation for crafting the future roadmap of global diaspora engagement initiatives.

Panel Introduction

Diaspora engagement for sustainable development is continuously evolving, emphasizing the need to proactively integrate essential aspects such as inclusion of youth and gender equality. Initiatives led by women and young diaspora leaders are pivotal in deepening the understanding of the dynamic and evolving nature of diaspora engagement. These leaders are reshaping the landscape: women spearhead diverse and inclusive movements while emerging young leaders from second and third generations of migrants pioneer new approaches and leverage modern tools. This focus on diverse demographics prompts a reevaluation of traditional diaspora engagement methods, facilitates the recognition of emerging voices, and nurtures more collaborative and inclusive ecosystems.

Diaspora women and youth are increasingly distinguishing themselves as entrepreneurs, champions of sustainable development, human rights advocates, and changemakers. Their remarkable capacity for adaptation and resilience positions them as leaders in fostering intercultural and intergenerational exchanges, thereby facilitating more inclusive solutions. There has been increasing recognition of the importance of harnessing the talents and skills of these groups to foster more inclusive and resilient growth. Both public and private sectors, alongside development partners, are rolling out diverse initiatives that empower these groups, exploring their potential as drivers of change and innovation.

These efforts are empowering women and youth to create new opportunities for their communities across borders, and to celebrate the diverse backgrounds within the diaspora. Such progress necessitates that stakeholders holistically address the inclusion needs of youth and women, ensuring their representation in decision-making bodies and amplifying diverse voices. Investing in the next generation means actively involving young diaspora members and women in 2 policy dialogues. Their participation in shaping policies related to social justice, inclusion, and social cohesion will have a lasting and transformative impact.

Understanding the unique talents and skills of these groups is crucial for amplifying their impact. Collection of data disaggregated by sex and age and comprehensive analysis of it provide a richer and more nuanced understanding of diaspora engagement and its contributions to development. Such insights can significantly enhance policies and practices by recognizing the distinctive value these groups contribute. A whole-of-society approach is essential, requiring stakeholders from all sectors to come together to recognize and invest in the specific skills and talents of these diaspora groups. Such investments will promote gender equality and inclusion of youth and enhance collaboration and support structures across global diaspora communities.

Panel Objectives

This session explores the unique potential of Diaspora Youth and Women, each group endowed with diverse talents and skills. Panelists will discuss how these crucial and unique actors are reshaping global engagement, driving innovation, and fostering significant societal change.

Key objectives of the session include:

  • • Showcase concrete examples where youth and women from the diaspora have made significant contributions to global issues.
  • Identify effective mechanisms and platforms that enable the inclusion and active participation of youth and women in the diaspora in global affairs.
  • Advocate for increased representation of youth and women diasporas in global dialogues related to development and transformative impact.

Guiding Questions

  • What are the specific advantages and added values that come with engaging with youth and women in diaspora?
  • What are some of the differentiated challenges in engaging with these groups?
  • What strategies can be employed to overcome these challenges and empower diaspora youth and women as changemakers so they can leverage their unique talents and skills to drive innovation and development?
  • What mechanisms exist to amplify diaspora youth and women voices and influence on the international stage?

Session Structure

The session will open with a scene setting from the moderator to provide an overview of the session topic, issues to be addressed, expected outcomes, and key stakeholders involved. The moderator will then introduce each of the panelists and invite them to address the guiding questions. The panelists will take turns sharing their knowledge and experience on both good practices and lessons learnt, providing concrete recommendations for different stakeholder groups. After hearing from the panelists, the floor will open for discussion and online/in-person participants will be invited to intervene with questions and/or comments.

The outcomes resulting from the panel discussion and participants' contributions will be documented in a final report of the event, providing valuable insights that will inform the implementation of the Global Diaspora Policy Alliance. The Session will have the following time allocation: The moderator will posequestions, share their own views and best practices, and each speaker will have 3 minutes to share their insights and knowledge.

Topic / Panel Areas

Moderator- Mr. Robert KOROMA

Mr. Robert Koroma is the First Counsellor at the Sierra Leone Embassy and Permanent Mission in Geneva, specializing in human rights and migration issues. He serves as the current Coordinator of the African Group of Experts on Migration in Geneva. In his diplomatic capacity, Mr. Koroma also covers matters related to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), contributing to international discussions on refugee protection and disarmament. 

Panelist 1 - Roberta Bojang

Roberta Bojang is a youth advocate of Gambian, German and Senegalese descent, based in Belgium. She recently graduated with a Master of Science in Political Science from the Free University of Brussels, in which she researched the role of women-led civil society in peacebuilding processes. Prior to that, she graduated with a Bachelors in International Studies from Leiden University, researching Korean development projects in Senegal. Her advocacy mainly focuses on the themes of gender, peace and migration, which allowed her to get elected to the Council of Europes Advisory Council on Youth. Here she works on the portfolios on cooperation with Africa and the Middle East. Most recently, she took part in the establishment of the youth organisation "Union pour la Nouvelle Génération Africaine et Européenne", that functions as a meeting point between different youth organisations from Europe and Africa to co-develop projects, share expertise and mutual understanding. She further represents youth voices within the Diaspora Advisory Board of IOM Belgium, particularly working on the theme of sustainability and climate.

Panelist 2: Dr. Yessica Zuleima Avelar Aviles


Dr. Yessica Zuleima Avelar Aviles was born in El Salvador but emigrated to Italy at a very young age, a country that adopted her and where she currently resides. She graduated from the Catholic University of Milan, Italy, with a degree in Educational Sciences, with a thesis on Latin American Criminal Gangs in the Lombardy Region of Italy and How Education is a Fundamental Factor for the Integration of First and Second Generation Diaspora Youth. From a young age, she showed great interest in social work, community service, and intercultural mediation, focusing on migrant youth and women. It is important to highlight her work as an activist and human rights defender, driven by her strong commitment to protecting the most vulnerable, especially women who are victims of violence.

Thanks to her hard work over the years, she has received several recognitions, including Promoter of Women's Rights, awarded by the Consular Group of Latin America and the Caribbean in the city of Milan, Italy; Ambassador of Human Rights from the Italian Association Diritti Umani e Toleranza Onlus, through which she has represented the Salvadoran diaspora at various meetings at the UN in Geneva; and the Active Citizenship and Integration Award, granted by the USDLI Association, the Milan City Council, and the European Parliament.

She has worked on initiatives driven by various associations as an intercultural mediator, social research coordinator, and trainer, collaborating with organizations such as AMREF Italy and ISMU (Center for Immigration Research). Currently, she serves as co-founder and president of the social promotion association Arci AmmiC (Association of Christian Migrant Women in Italy), which actively defends the fundamental rights of migrants. In addition, she is a member of the national board of the CISL-SICET union, where she works as an office manager focused on defending the right to housing and public housing.

It is also worth highlighting her active collaboration with various governmental institutions, such as the Milan City Council and the diplomatic corps of the Government of El Salvador, in organizing informational workshops on the benefits and obligations of the Salvadoran diaspora throughout Italy.

Panelist 3 – Dr. Elisabeth Moreno

Dr. Elisabeth Moreno, former Minister in charge of Gender Equality, Diversity, and Equal Opportunities from 2020 to 2022, has had a distinguished career spanning various sectors and continents. She has held key positions in both small and medium-sized enterprises as well as multinational technology companies across four continents - the United States, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. In 2018, her expertise led her to become a consular judge, and she subsequently 4 assumed the role of Vice President at Hewlett Packard, overseeing operations in the African continent.

Currently, she serves as the Chairwoman of Ring Capital, an investment fund that combines social and environmental impact with business performance. Through this role, her focus is on empowering impact entrepreneurs and providing them with the necessary resources to thrive. Additionally, she is the President of Ring Africa, where she actively contributes to shaping the entrepreneurial landscape within the continent.

As a co-founder of LEIA Partners, Elisabeth Moreno supports leaders and organizations in developing and implementing their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) governance strategies. Beyond her professional endeavors, Elisabeth Moreno is deeply engaged in philanthropic activities, most notably as the President of the Femmes@Numerique Foundation, where she strives to drive progress and empowerment for women in the digital sphere.


Florencio Venté, 30 years old, is a Colombian youth leader, peacebuilder, and impact entrepreneur. He serves as the Codirector of the Migration Youth and Children platform, which is the official UN General Assembly-mandated Migration constituency of the Major Group for Children and Youth, advocating for over 4,000 youth and youth organizations worldwide to impact international migration policymaking. During the last year, he has also been the Youth on the Move program coordinator, an initiative between UNICEF and MYCP that allows migrants, refugees, and IDPs who have faced earning and learning challenges to access paid internships at different UNICEF country offices through this fellowship.

Florencio is the founder of Glocals, an initiative that connects migrants and diaspora with local host communities through cultural, economic, and social dialogues to combat xenophobia and discrimination. He has extensive experience in civic engagement, having been a former member of several local and regional councils. More recently, he was part of the Maringa, Paraná City Youth City Council, addressing topics such as racial justice and its nexus with migration.