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Ресурсы Iдиаспоры

Displaying 81 - 90 of 117
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Anastasiia Vynnychenko

Mapping of Basotho Health Care Professionals in the UK

This publication was commissioned by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and conducted by the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD) between February and May 2014 among Basotho health-care professionals working and living in the United Kingdom. The purpose of the survey was to map out the demographic and social characteristics of these health professionals, their migratory trajectories as well as their potential for contributing to the development of the health sector in Lesotho.
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Mapping of Nigerian Health and Education Professionals in the United States of America

The United States of America is widely known as one of the major destinations for Nigerian migrants. Migration of Nigerians to this country has been increasing over time, and trends show that this is still continuing. The situation has created a huge opportunity to harness and maximize enormous potential resources of this group. 
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Diaspora – Partner in the Development of Tajikistan

This publication is the English-translated version of the study titled “Диаспора – партнер по развитию Таджикистана” published in 2014. The study, funded by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Development Fund under the project “Ey Vatan Mesozamat!” (Engaging Tajik Diaspora in Tajikistan Development), assesses potential contributions of the Tajik diaspora in the Russian Federation for the development of the home country. The research was conducted in summer 2014 and identifies attitudes of diaspora members, their life plans and migration strategies.
Adrien Perrotton

Needs Assessment in the Nigerian Education Sector

The purpose of this needs assessment is to identify skills and competency gaps in the health sector and provide government with recommendations on how the gaps can be addressed. The information gathered will assist the government to establish a matching system to mobilize diaspora for national development through a pilot scheme to encourage temporary or permanent return of highly skilled diaspora members particularly in the health sector.
Adrien Perrotton

Mapping of Nigerian Health and Education Professionals in South Africa

The survey is designed to elicit more information about Nigerians living abroad, including their aspirations in the context of contributing to national development and willingness to invest in Nigeria. The results of the exercise will be used to inform the development of Diaspora-friendly policies and legislation that will aim to make it easier for members of the Nigerian Diasporas to play a meaningful role in the national development processes.
Adrien Perrotton

Mapping of Sierra Leonean Health Professionals : in the United Kingdom, Germany, United States of America and Canada

Between September 2012 and October 2013, the IOM commissioned three separate mapping studies of Sierra Leonean diaspora health professionals in United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, and Germany, respectively. The United Kingdom and the United States are the two most prominent destination choices for Sub-Saharan African health professionals, and moreover share the largest pools of Sierra Leonean health-care professionals in diaspora. In Canada and Germany there was a considerably smaller pool to draw from.
Adrien Perrotton

Untapped potential: Engaging Basotho diasporas in the South for national development

The report was prepared by Lulessa Abadura, Brigitte Fahrenhorst and Frank Zelazny from EcoDevelopment ‐ Society for International Development Research and Planning Ltd.
Anastasiia Vynnychenko

Harnessing Knowledge on the Migration of Highly Skilled Women

This summary report of an expert meeting between IOM and the OECD Development Centre, organized in April 2014, aims to promote greater dialogue with and raise awareness among key researchers. While the report is not exhaustive, it can serve as a useful point of departure for identifying and addressing research gaps related to the challenges and opportunities presented by the migration of highly skilled women. 

Facilitating Diaspora Investment in Kosovo: Assemsnet and Mapping of Innovative Strategies at Central and Local Level

Although no official data exists on the level of diaspora investments in Kosovo it is considered that their engagement is low given their potential and willingness to invest and save. This research aims to identify concrete strategies for facilitating investment by collecting primary data through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with existing and potential diaspora investors and relevant stakeholders. Initially the report discusses the business environment and reforms undertaken by Kosovo government to induce investments.

Feasibility Study on Diaspora Investments on Economic Zones

The objective of this research project was to conduct a feasibility study on attracting diaspora investors by offering to them investment opportunities on economic zones. In addition, the option to invest on local level economic zones through PPP initiatives was also researched and evaluated.