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Overprincipled and Underperforming: Why We Need a Practice-based Global Compact on Migration

This paper is part of the IOM Migration Research Leaders Syndicate’s contribution toward the Global Compact for Migration. It is one of 26 papers that make up a consolidated Syndicate publication, which focuses on proposing ways to address complex and pressing issues in contemporary international migration.
Adrien Perrotton

Etude sur la diaspora Burkinabe : au Burkina Faso, en Côte d’Ivoire, en Italie et en France

This study in French is the first attempt to provide an exhaustive analysis of Bukinabé diaspora. The general aim of this research is to see to what extent diaspora associations are engaged or willing to engage into cooperative or investment actions in their home countries, to determine their historical formation, their modes of structuration, types of actions led, constraints and expectations,etc... Cette étude en Francais est la premiere tentative d'analyse exhaustive de la diaspora burkinabé.
iDiaspora Volunteer

Mapping of Basotho Health-Care Professionals in the United Kingdom

This study commissioned by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) was conducted by the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD) between February and May 2014 among Basotho health-care professionals working and living in the United Kingdom. The purpose of the survey was to map out the demographic and social characteristics of these health professionals, their migratory trajectories as well as their potential for contributing to the development of the health sector in Lesotho.
iDiaspora Volunteer

Estudio sobre Migración Internacional y Remesas en Colombia

La serie de tres cuadernos que inician esta colección de publicaciones sobre Migración Y Remesas representa un valioso esfuerzo de la Alianza País y en particular del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, la OIM y el DANE. Los cuadernos en referencia serán de gran utilidad para investigadores, sector académico y sociedad en general. Pretenden al igual que las Memorias del Seminario "Migración Internacional, el Impacto y las Tendencias de las remesas en Colombia", generar por su contenido, una reflexión profunda en torno al fenómeno migratorio y sus incidencias.
iDiaspora Volunteer

Migration from Latin America to Europe: Trends and Policy Challenges

Migration to Europe from Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) has grown rapidly over the last decade. Most of the flows are directed towards southern European countries, although other European countries have also seen significant increases. Widespread poverty and economic hardship caused by the recession in LAC, together with the tightening of visa regimes in the United States following 11 September 2001, have been a major contributing cause of increased flows.
iDiaspora Volunteer

Harnessing the Potential of Migration and Return to Promote Development

This paper provides a state-of-the-art literature review and is intended to stimulate discussions around some of the most salient issues concerning the relationship between migration, return, and development. It outlines the operational framework and research strategy that will be used to investigate this relationship in an ongoing research project focused on West Africa.
Iman Berry

Si proches et si lointaines: Les diasporas haïtiennes aux Caraïbes

Les phénomènes migratoires se trouvent au cœur du tissu social et économique d’Haïti. Les communautés diasporiques en Amérique du Nord et en France ont longtemps contribué, par des transferts formels et informels de capital social et financier, à compenser les déséquilibres qui entravent le développement national. Les diasporas haïtiennes résidant dans les Caraïbes ont été moins sollicitées dans cette dynamique.
Iman Berry

Spotlight on the young and skilled: Exploring the potential contribution of Kenya's diasporas in the South

This study on Kenyan diasporas in the South brings to light important  findings on South-South migration as well as innovative insights for  Kenyan policymakers and development practitioners.
Iman Berry

Untapped potential: Engaging Basotho diasporas in the South for national development

As a landlocked country with high rates of emigration, Lesotho widely relies on the resources of its migrants. This study seeks to analyse how Basotho emigrants in the South can become more engaged in the human development of their home country? In the framework of the development of a new migration policy, the Government of Lesotho has requested the ACP Observatory to explore potential ways to enhance the contribution of diasporas.
iDiaspora Volunteer

Sending ideas back home: Exploring the potential of South-South social remittances in the United Republic of Tanzania

While the relevance of financial remittances for developing countries is well documented and has gained attention during the last years as an important and stable source of external development, the flows of ideas, knowledge, behaviours and social capital transmitted by migrants to their families, friends and communities in their home countries, defined as “social remittances”, is still overlooked.