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iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022

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93 submissions
# Starred Bloccato Notes Creato Ordina in modo ascendente Submitted to Utente Lingua Indirizzo IP First name Last name Nationality City/Town State/Province Country of Origin Country of Residence Choose a Category Title of Series Choose one or more categories that best represent your photographic series Description Photos I agree to the Terms and Conditions of the IOM and the Iber-Rutas iDiaspora Photo Contest and understand that my participation is final once I click the submit button. I agree to receive a confirmation email when my photo series has been received. Operazioni
76 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #76 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #76 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #76 Gio, 11/03/2022 - 23:39 Anonimo Español HUGO MARCELO RUIZ CACERES Argentine RESISTENCIA Chaco Argentina Argentina Professional migrantes viscerales Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies?, Youth and their roots: what is it like to be born or grow up as a member of the diaspora; how can the youth connect with their homeland? La denominada migración forzada nos da un pequeño pantallazo en el interior de una provincia de la Argentina llamada Chaco al nordeste del país, los jóvenes habitantes de esas zonas deben emigrar muchas veces junto a sus padres lejos de sus tierras de origen, ya sea por falta de trabajo, educación , salud o alimentos. Migración que da comienzo en sus pueblos o parajes pero sin saber el destino, utilizando un tren descangallado con muchas falencias mecánicas, ítem que se suma a una lista de complicaciones de base, esta serie trata de reflejar esos momentos argüidos de este vieja en busca del destino
  • Photo: en busca del destino (2).jpg
    Title: parada obligada
    Brief introduction: tras descarrilar el tren en el que viajaban como por primera vez en dias
    Photo date: 2016-04-29
    Photo location: Fortín La Chuñas Chaco Argentina
  • Photo: en busca del destino (5).jpg
    Title: desolado
    Brief introduction: la mirada perdida como perdido esta su tierra natal
    Photo date: 2015-11-11
    Photo location: Chorotis Chaco Argentina
  • Photo: en busca del destino (4).jpg
    Title: mi primer viaje
    Brief introduction: la falta de salud obliga a este mernor a viajar mas de 400 km
    Photo date: 2015-11-11
    Photo location: Campo Largo Chaco Argentina
75 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #75 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #75 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #75 Gio, 11/03/2022 - 23:24 Anonimo Inglese Lissa-Marie Cochrane Jamaican Kingston St. Andrew Jamaica Jamaica Amateur The Extension Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies?, Youth and their roots: what is it like to be born or grow up as a member of the diaspora; how can the youth connect with their homeland? Regarding Youth and their roots, the individual passport-picture of my grandaunt, from 1957, represented a time in her youth when she made the conscientious decision to leave Jamaica for the United Kingdom, as-part of the Windrush-Generation, determined to make a better life. In her toil, she met her husband, a Jamaican, who too left the island with the same aim. Their Union, and commonality of being Jamaican-Diasporas Navigating identities, together in a new land and country, brought forth 7 children, 2 of whom are pictured in the second-photograph of the series. They represent the first-generation of the youth and their roots to be born in the United Kingdom. One of the daughters pictured, spawned children of her own, where one of her sons married a native of English soil. Together, the individual-and-generational experiences, of each photograph, represent the fabric and extension of our family, being Jamaican-Diasporas in the United Kingdom.
  • Photo: 20221103_175559_0.jpg
    Title: Windrush Passport Pic
    Brief introduction: The Genesis
    Photo date: 1957-03-03
    Photo location: Kingston, Jamaica
  • Photo: 20221103_175838_0.jpg
    Title: New Beginnings
    Brief introduction: The Interlude
    Photo date: 1963-06-19
    Photo location: Sheffield, England
  • Photo: 20221103_180248_0.jpg
    Title: Proliferation
    Brief introduction: The Multiplier Effect
    Photo date: 2006-07-08
    Photo location: London, England
74 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #74 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #74 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #74 Gio, 11/03/2022 - 21:18 Anonimo Inglese Hein Oo Burmese Atlanta Georgia United States of America United States of America Amateur Identity and Nature Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies? The pictures represent the association between identity and nature which recreates the Diaspora life of the photographer. The experience of settling in a different place far away from home is challenging. It comes with questions of identity issues and a sense of belonging. Having a dissimilar background, finding comfort in the experience of a new home is never easy. The symbol of nature helps in this place. The more you look deep into it, the more you will see the similarities between homelands and the destination country. The identity of nature does not lie, and it shows the beautiful history of the world. Whether in your homeland or new land, nature will teach you to love the environment and the people. Your look at it identifies your world wherever you live.
  • Photo: 1.jpg
    Title: My new home
    Brief introduction: My new home reflects my identity: I belong to the world
    Photo date: 2022-09-01
    Photo location: Tallulah Gorge, USA
  • Photo: 2.jpg
    Title: My old home
    Brief introduction: My old home reflects my identity: I belong to the world
    Photo date: 2018-09-01
    Photo location: Haipa Gorge, Myanmar
  • Photo: 3.jpg
    Title: My new home or My old home
    Brief introduction: Both My new home and My old home reflect my identity: I belong to the world
    Photo location: Tallulah Gorge, USA or Haipa Gorge, Myanmar
73 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #73 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #73 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #73 Gio, 11/03/2022 - 21:08 Anonimo Español Patricia Molaioli Argentine Córdoba Córdoba Argentina Argentina Professional Latinos en Argentina Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies? En Córdoba, provincia mediterránea de Argentina, la comunidad de migrantes mexicanos, que son unos 300, invitó a otras comunidades (peruana, boliviana, ecuatoriana, paraguaya, haitiana, chilena, venezolana) a participar de la celebración del "Día de Muertos" que es una fiesta tradicional en su patria. Compartieron ritos, costumbres, comidas y se mezclaron con locales y sus tradiciones ya adoptadas por quienes viven en estas tierras. Así se puede ver una mexicana pintando catrina en un rostro argentino (foto 1), una mexicana ofreciendo un mate, que es tradicional en Argentina, en un altar preparado con ofrendas de todos los pueblos mencionados (foto 2) y una Venezolana cocinando arepas y de fondo se visualizan las banderas de su país de origen y el adoptado (foto 3). En las tres fotos se trabaja el desenfoque selectivo, para hacer hincapié en la actividad que da el sentido de pertenencia y la sociedad donde lo hace.
  • Photo: Diáspora Patricia Molaioli-Foto 1.jpg
    Title: Pintando catrinas mexicanas en rostros cordobeses
    Brief introduction: Una mexicana en la celebración del día de los muertos pinta una catrina en el rostro de un local y los paseantes miran con curiosidad una costumbre que en el lugar donde viven casi no se conoce.
    Photo date: 2022-11-02
    Photo location: Córdoba, argentina
  • Photo: Diáspora Patricia Molaioli-Foto 2.jpg
    Title: Te ofrezco el mate en el altar
    Brief introduction: Una mexicana, en el altar armado con fotos de muertos de varios países invitados a participar de una tradición que es básicamente de sus pagos, ofrece el "mate", una infusión muy tomada en la zona de Sud América (Principalmente en Arg. Paraguay y Uruguay
    Photo date: 2022-11-02
    Photo location: Córdoba, Argentina
  • Photo: Diáspora Patricia Molaioli-Foto 3.jpg
    Title: Con sonrisas preparo mis Arepas
    Brief introduction: Una Venezolana prepara un plato típico de su país (Arepas) en una celebración popular Argentina organizada por mexicanos.
    Photo date: 2022-11-02
    Photo location: Córdoba, Argentina
72 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #72 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #72 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #72 Gio, 11/03/2022 - 20:10 Anonimo Inglese Andrés Pérez Venezuelan Bogotá Bogotá Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Colombia Professional Transiently Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies? 7 million people have migrated from Venezuela due to the humanitarian crisis. Some studies reveal that almost 1 million Venezuelan migrants are LGBTIQ+ people. We know that migration is a complex political and human circumstance, but there is more difficulty when the migrant condition is connected to situations of identity, gender and diverse sex. In the series Transiently, through the story of Aurora (19) trans woman, we explore the relationship that exists between the country of origin and the host country as the possibility of continuing to rewrite personal history with dignity. For that reason we migrate from hostile contexts where fundamental human rights vanish. So too do personal memories and bonds fade. Although LGBTIQ+ people resist in a limbo that connects their past in Venezuela with a present that becomes a promise of freedom. In this process the diverse body becomes the only permanent place.

  • Photo: Transiently_1.jpg
    Title: Aurora baby
    Brief introduction: Personal archive of aurora intervened by Andrés Pérez
    Photo date: 2022-01-19
    Photo location: Mérida, Venezuela
  • Photo: Transiently_2.jpg
    Title: Aurora quinceañera
    Brief introduction: Aurora's personal file intervened by herself
    Photo date: 2022-01-29
    Photo location: Bogotá, Colombia
  • Photo: Transiently_3.jpg
    Title: it's not Alejandro
    Brief introduction: Portrait of current Aurora.
    Photo date: 2022-01-26
    Photo location: Bogotá, Colombia
71 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #71 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #71 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #71 Gio, 11/03/2022 - 16:32 Anonimo Español María Mercedes Guevara Meza Venezuelan Santiago de Surco Surco Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Peru Amateur El viaje de reconocimiento Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies? La serie fotográfica que presento a continuación, representa el inicio de un viaje de reconocimiento a lo que parecía muy lejano a mí, a mi realidad (un nuevo país) pero que ha terminado siendo un nuevo hogar. Darse cuenta que a donde llegas tienes vecinos, a quienes saludas desde la ventana, que en el mercado preguntas y te atienden a veces con tus propias jergas o que incorporas comidas en tus rutinas que antes no conocías, atenúa las diferencias y en vez de alejar, la curiosidad de relacionarse crea lazos entre unos y otros que terminan afianzando identidades marcadas más allá que de una nacionalidad por una experiencia. A partir de aquí, cada imagen es un símbolo de integración, pues haber caminado entre estas personas, conversado con algunas, es representación que nuestro viaje ha podido coincidir y convivir, superando temores o rechazos pues al final, somos de un mismo continente
  • Photo: La llegada. Señora cargando a una niña._0.png
    Title: La llegada
    Brief introduction: Señora cargando a una niña. Aunque de pronto estas en un nuevo lugar, las caras aún se te hacen familiar. Son rostros de personas, de historia, de lucha y tradición. Es la vida donde hay un poco más frío y mucho más sabor.
    Photo date: 2021-11-13
    Photo location: Cusco
  • Photo: ¡Somos iguales! El chino pelón._0.png
    Title: ¡Somos iguales!
    Brief introduction: El chino pelón, un personaje popular de la playa pescadores. A él le gusta mucho el mar y a mí también, él ha ido a Venezuela y yo ahora estoy en su país. Compartimos desayuno y una breve caminata.
    Photo date: 2022-07-09
    Photo location: Chorrillo - Playa Pescadores
  • Photo: Pertenezco. La niña de las Islas Flotantes Los Uros._0.png
    Title: Pertenezco
    Brief introduction: Niña de las Islas Flotantes los Uros. Soy de donde puedo ser sujeto de bien, donde veo y doy vida. Venimos todos de una madre, pero somos hijos de la tierra a donde volvemos cuando nos toque partir.
    Photo date: 2021-11-09
    Photo location: Puno - Lago Titicaca
70 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #70 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #70 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #70 Gio, 11/03/2022 - 15:24 Anonimo Inglese Julius Yves Bagacay Filipino Quezon City Metro Manila Philippines Philippines Amateur The merboys: treasure divers of Matnog Youth and their roots: what is it like to be born or grow up as a member of the diaspora; how can the youth connect with their homeland? This is a familiar scenery when traveling from one island to another in the Philippines. Young Filipino boys, and sometimes young girls, jump in for coins. This is done before the passenger ferry leaves the port. Some young people jump into the water from bangkas (boats) to collect coins scattered by passengers. These boys compete against each other to acquire and obtain the coins. It's not an easy feat and quite dangerous if you're a skilled swimmer. It may be a form of entertainment for us tourists, but for these young lads, this means livelihood and food money for their families.
  • Photo: image_6483441 (9).JPG
    Title: Reassesing
    Brief introduction: The young man is checking the chains for minor breakage.
    Photo date: 2011-05-14
    Photo location: Matnog, Sorsogon, Philippines
  • Photo: image_6483441 (8).JPG
    Title: Done for the day
    Brief introduction: When these men get the daily's target of coins, they would leisurely enjoy the water.
    Photo date: 2011-05-14
    Photo location: Matnog, Sorsogon, Philippines
  • Photo: image_6483441 (7).JPG
    Title: Respite
    Brief introduction: After a long day of diving, fathers and uncles would pick these young lads.
    Photo date: 2011-05-14
    Photo location: Matnog, Sorsogon, Philippines
68 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #68 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #68 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #68 Gio, 11/03/2022 - 13:06 Anonimo Inglese Inioluwa Ogungbemi Nigerian Ikorodu Lagos Nigeria Nigeria Amateur MY VIEW Diasporas as influencers: how does the diaspora contribute positively to their societies through the use of technology? The astronaut represent the dream of the future, every young child want to achieve the most amazing thing they have ever seen if it either going to space or taking flight to the sky.A dream that can become a reality
A hand bonded together with another can represent many forms of relationships either friends, partners, college, associates, like minded individual meeting one another for the first time, a conscience action made by two individual to come together.
A hand written question that everyone ask themselves at a point on their lives. A journey on which we have to take to discover ourselves and our purpose in this world.
Technology, an integrated innovative system that become essential in achieving some answers that we seek. Whether it's to archive a dream, connect with a friend or to show us ways to find answer to our purpose on earth. We will discover it.

  • Photo: IMG_20221103_101624_788_0.jpg
    Title: A Dream
    Brief introduction: A young child future wish
    Photo date: 2022-11-03
    Photo location: Influence of the wonder of the world
  • Photo: IMG_20221103_133653_972_0.jpg
    Title: A Bond
    Brief introduction: A connection between two
    Photo date: 2022-11-03
    Photo location: Entanglement of minds
  • Photo: IMG_20221103_140549_507.jpg
    Title: A Question
    Brief introduction: An answer to be discover for the unknown
    Photo date: 2022-11-03
    Photo location: A question mark ?
69 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #69 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #69 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #69 Gio, 11/03/2022 - 12:35 Anonimo Inglese Kyaw Myo Aung Burmese Yangon Yangon Myanmar Myanmar Amateur " Pride " Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies? This photographic series reflects the background of the KoneBaung Dynasty ( the last Empire of Myanmar history ). This also represents the citizens (a couple) during the second world war and the colonial war who were fleeing to Inwa which can also find their emotions and lifestyle in the era of the Yadanarbon Dynasty. In this series, we can learn about tradition of the Myanmar culture and lifestyle.
Not only the memorial places but also vengeance of their emotion to war reflects in this photo. Thus, war makes everyone vengeance and hatred in every decade by looking this photo series, this is reflection of ancient and current situation of Myanmar.
  • Photo: UM3A1366.JPG
    Title: Eternaal Love
    Brief introduction: This photo shows the ancient place and still fresh love and warmth of the couple of the Yadanarbon era.
    Photo date: 2022-06-20
    Photo location: Inva
  • Photo: UM3A1508.JPG
    Title: Pride Vs Vengeance
    Brief introduction: This photo shows the pride and vengeance of the lady of the Yadanarbon era can feel simultaneously.
    Photo date: 2022-06-20
    Photo location: Inva
  • Photo: UM3A1786.JPG
    Title: War and refugee
    Brief introduction: This photo shows the couple who were fleeing to another place due to the colonial and second world war.
    Photo date: 2022-06-20
    Photo location: Inva
67 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #67 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #67 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #67 Gio, 11/03/2022 - 07:48 Anonimo Inglese Mohammed Aliyu Nigerian Minna Niger State Nigeria Nigeria Amateur Sunset Cloudy Youth and their roots: what is it like to be born or grow up as a member of the diaspora; how can the youth connect with their homeland? This series is inspired by the Love of cloud, sky and sunset.
This are really wonders of the world to watch,stare and live in the moment.
There are special and I want to share my view from here.
I use my phone as my primary gadget to take pictures and to capture the moment. Pictures is way to express what one feel in imagine.

Each picture has its own unique message it's passing to .
Each and every picture is a yoaudicienceur voice to world.

Expressing your deepest thought in imagine to the world so your voice can be heard, loud and clear.
  • Photo: Screenshot_20221103-082655.png
    Title: The sunset is getting covered by the cloud, bit by bit
    Brief introduction: The World
    Photo date: 2022-10-08
    Photo location: Sunset
  • Photo: Screenshot_20221103-082805_0.png
    Title: The sunset is almost covered
    Brief introduction: The world
    Photo date: 2022-10-08
    Photo location: The Sunset
  • Photo: Screenshot_20221103-082829.png
    Title: The cloud has won and the sunset is over.
    Brief introduction: The world
    Photo date: 2022-10-08
    Photo location: The Sunset
66 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #66 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #66 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #66 Gio, 11/03/2022 - 05:01 Anonimo Español Katherine Alejandra Campos Cabello Venezuelan Lima Lima Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Peru Professional EL REY DE LA CHICHA VENEZOLANA Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies? El sujeto de esta serie fotografica es Kevin Palencia, un migrante, músico folklorista de origen Venezolano que vive en Lima, capital de Perú, el se dedica a vender su famosa chicha venezolana, producto que en su país natal se consume de forma masiva pero que en el Perú era completamente desconocido. Desde hace poco mas de 1 años Kevin sale todos los días a promocionar su famosa y nutritiva chicha tradicional venezolana frente a un mercado municipal de Lima, ya la comunidad lo conoce como el Rey de la Chicha Venezolana. Kevin con mucho carisma y gracia tiene presente sus origenes, sus sabores y tradiciones las cuales ha presentado a los vecinos y asiduos visitantes del mercado quienes le compran regularmente este sabroso producto.
  • Photo: 4I9A8252.jpg
    Title: Entre versos y refranes.
    Brief introduction: El rey de la chicha promocionando sus productos, canta y enamora a su publico para que conozcan la chicha venezolana
    Photo date: 2022-09-26
    Photo location: Los Olivos - Lima
  • Photo: 4I9A8315.jpg
    Title: Llegan los clientes
    Brief introduction: Con el avance de la mañana el rey de la chicha sigue vendiendo su chicha venezolana.
    Photo date: 2022-09-26
    Photo location: Los Olivos - Lima
  • Photo: 4I9A8373.jpg
    Title: El Rey
    Brief introduction: Su rostro lo dice todo, han pasado tiempos dificiles pero la migración le ha enseñado a sonreir y a disfrutar las pequeñas victorias
    Photo date: 2022-09-26
    Photo location: Los Olivos - Lima
65 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #65 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #65 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #65 Gio, 11/03/2022 - 04:37 Anonimo Inglese Lloyd Ericson Rodriguez Filipino Mabalacat City Pampanga Philippines Philippines Amateur Sitti in the City Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies? Internal migration is as major a societal concern as emigration because individuals and families who choose to move and settle in another region always bring with them the reasons for their decision. Like Sitti, who decided to resettle to Mabalacat City from her conflict-torn birthplace in Mindanao in search of greener pastures. With her growing family, she and her husband now have their own source of income and peaceful nights' sleep...far from where she came from.

She did not tell me where she came from in order to protect their home from further prejudice, but she is very hopeful that she will be able to return and live there again.
  • Photo: Sitti_img1.jpg
    Title: A Portrait of New Life
    Brief introduction: Sitti now lives with her husband and child in Mabalacat City. She made the brave decision to leave her rural life in a conflict-torn region of Mindanao because she fears that encounters between rebels and the military will keep impacting their lives.
    Photo date: 2021-10-07
    Photo location: Mabalacat City, Pampanga
  • Photo: Sitti_img2.jpg
    Title: Life Goes On...
    Brief introduction: Sitti now works as a helper in a small grocery store within a residential subdivision where her husband works as a security guard on the night shift.
    Photo date: 2021-09-26
    Photo location: Mabalacat City, Pampanga
  • Photo: Sitti_img3.jpg
    Title: New Life, New Ventures
    Brief introduction: She also works hard to broaden her horizons by trying to learn and cope with current trends in the modern society to which she now belongs, as she dabbles in online selling of homemade sardines as a sideline.
    Photo date: 2022-01-01
    Photo location: Mabalacat City, Pampanga
64 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #64 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #64 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #64 Gio, 11/03/2022 - 04:02 Anonimo Español osman alejandro padilla hernandez Venezuelan lima lima Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Peru Professional Sembrador de Talentos Diasporas helping their communities: what is it like to assist communities during a crisis? Joseph Sanz es un actor, cantautor y animador Venezolano que migró a Perú hace 5 años, ha participado y ganado varios concursos nacionales con su maravillosa imitación de Celia Cruz. hace 2 años fundó un Centro Cultural Educativo en uno de los sectores más vulnerables de Lima, donde imparte clases de teatro, canto, baile y dicción a niños, adolescentes y adultos de cualquier nacionalidad con precios accesibles. Con mucha pasión y entusiasmo prepara a varios grupos cada día, ayudandoles a desarrollar sus capacidades naturales y formando en ellos potenciales artistas para el mañana. Creo firmemente que su aporte es especialmente valioso en Lima donde se ha radicado ya que con el pasar del tiempo sus clases ayudan tanto a migrantes como a nacionales a prepararse para asumir retos tanto artisticos como profesionales.
  • Photo: 4I9A7749.jpg
    Title: Notas de esperanza
    Brief introduction: La primera clase del dia, un grupo de 5 Alumnos realizan ejercicios de vocalización junto a su profesor. Uno de los alumnos volteó a mirarme lleno de alegria durante el ensayo
    Photo date: 2022-10-25
    Photo location: Lima - Perú
  • Photo: 4I9A7859.jpg
    Title: Preparando a una estrella
    Brief introduction: Ya adentrada la clase, los alumnos practican canciones mas elaboradas y hacen su presentación frente al publico compuesto por familiares y personas de la comunidad
    Photo date: 2022-10-25
    Photo location: Lima - Perú
  • Photo: 4I9A7942.jpg
    Title: El Ensayo
    Brief introduction: Las hora avanza y una nueva alumna da su paso al frente para ensayar el tema del día, el maestro la anima a dar el maximo para poder llegar a la nota correcta.
    Photo date: 2022-10-25
    Photo location: Lima - Perú
62 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #62 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #62 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #62 Mer, 11/02/2022 - 23:49 Anonimo Inglese Jules Kevin NSI OVONO Gabonese Libreville Estuaire Gabon Gabon Amateur Down Libreville's streets Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies? Libreville is a city with a strong foreign community. In this photographic series we are going to introduce you to a member of the Beninese community which is one of the biggest in Gabon. Pascal is a cab driver in the city of Libreville. As soon as you get into his cab, you are automatically attracted by his traditional Beninese dress and the two flags of Gabon and Benin that fly on board his car. It is therefore not difficult to notice and understand his attachment to his diaspora's homeland Benin and new land Gabon. Pascal is therefore part of the Beninese diaspora living in Gabon.
  • Photo: IMG_7264.JPG
    Title: Cabs
    Brief introduction: Waiting for customers
    Photo date: 2022-11-01
    Photo location: Libreville
  • Photo: IMG_7282.JPG
    Title: In the car
    Brief introduction: Smile of the happy heater
    Photo date: 2022-11-01
    Photo location: Libreville
  • Photo: IMG_7297.JPG
    Title: Behind the wheel
    Brief introduction: At work
    Photo date: 2022-11-01
    Photo location: Libreville
63 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #63 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #63 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #63 Mer, 11/02/2022 - 23:47 Anonimo Español Maxwell Adrian Briceño Godoy Venezuelan caracas distrito capital Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Amateur El Quilombo Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies?, Youth and their roots: what is it like to be born or grow up as a member of the diaspora; how can the youth connect with their homeland?
Este proyecto es una serie de fotos e historias de personas que hacen vida en la Comunidad El Quilombo, un sector que nació en Caracas al oeste de la ciudad cercana a la comuna donde vivo en el sector de Catia, es esta la cercanía que genera la inquietud de conocer e involucrarme con la comunidad Haitiana que distinguía a diario en el barrio.

El proyecto ahonda en escenarios que involucran la emocionalidad de haitianos y haitianas, migrantes cuya mayoría están carentes de compañía familiar, que no dominan el idioma español debido su francofonía natal y que están insertos en una sociedad que a pesar de todo han logrado coexistir generando un mestizaje y crecimiento de la comunidad entre Haitianos y Venezolanos a lo largo de los años.

Esta cercanía me ha permitido conocer sus procesos de adaptación y generar lazos de amistad a pesar de las múltiples barreras culturales.
  • Photo: Jugando en el Quilombo.jpg
    Title: Jugando en el Quilombo
    Brief introduction: Los niños de la comunidad el quilombo juegan cada tarde para divertirse juntos.
    Photo date: 2022-09-04
    Photo location: Caracas, Catia, Sector el Quilombo
  • Photo: Crisma El Barbero.jpg
    Title: Crisma El Barbero
    Brief introduction: Crisma es un joven de 17 años que estudia quinto año de bachillerato y se dedica a la barbería en la comunidad. Migro con sus padres a los 7 años de edad después del primer viaje de su padre, donde consiguió adquirir una vivienda en la comunidad.
    Photo date: 2022-11-01
    Photo location: Caracas,Catia, Sector el Quilombo
  • Photo: la partida.jpg
    Title: Cuarto de Finales
    Brief introduction: Jean Max y sus compañeros descansan en el primer tiempo del partido de futbol durante el cuarto de final del torneo en el Quilombo. Los torneos de Futbol es una de las actividades recreativas que ha permitido que ambas culturas se conecten entre sí, gener
    Photo date: 2022-09-14
    Photo location: Caracas,Catia, Sector el Quilombo
61 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #61 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #61 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #61 Mer, 11/02/2022 - 19:43 Anonimo Español magola ceron peña Colombian Puerto asis Putumayo Colombia Colombia Amateur con la frente en alto llevo mi patria Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies?, Youth and their roots: what is it like to be born or grow up as a member of the diaspora; how can the youth connect with their homeland? Ellas tuvieron que abandonar su país de origen, enfrentando muchos obstáculos llegaron a colombia; al comienzo colombia los recibió con mucho amor , pero al pasar los días, la población venezolana iba inundando este país y con ellos comenzó a entrar gran parte de la delincuencia generando la peor imagen y en ese momento se dispara una xenofobia. Los Colombianos sentían que la población venezolana le estaba quitando oportunidades ya que este país carece de trabajo y ademas otra parte ellos entraron a delinquir. Esta situación se vuelve incómoda para la población de venezuela, ya nadie quería darles trabajo, muchos de ellos comenzaron a botar todo lo que los identificaba. y a pesar de la discriminación, queda una mínima población que usa su bandera con orgullo, como estas mujeres que presento en las fotos, que a pesar de la xenofobia que existe en Colombia tienen sentido de pertenencia .
  • Photo: DSC_0592.JPG
    Title: frente en alto
    Brief introduction: mujer orgullosa de realizar su trabajo, utiliza su gorra como sentido de pertenencia
    Photo date: 2022-10-29
    Photo location: Colombia- Puerto Asís- Putumayo-
  • Photo: DSC_0609.JPG
    Title: Ten paciencia
    Brief introduction: Una madre extranjera no consiguió colegio para su hija y tiene que llevarla todos los días a su trabajo y en medio de las circunstancias trata de entretenerla para que la niña no se sienta aburrida
    Photo date: 2022-10-29
    Photo location: Colombia- Puerto Asís- putumayo
  • Photo: DSC_0642.JPG
    Title: la gorra de la buena suerte
    Brief introduction: una adolescente es de nacionalidad Venezolana, mientras sus padres trabajan ella entre todas las tardes en esta cancha, lo curioso es que siempre porta una gorra artesanal elaborada por una amiga con la bandera de su país y es su amuleto de buena suerte
    Photo date: 2022-11-01
    Photo location: olombia- Puerto Asís- Putumayo
60 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #60 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #60 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #60 Mer, 11/02/2022 - 18:21 Anonimo Inglese Farzana Naeemi Afghan Thessaloniki Greece Afghanistan Greece Amateur We all dream in the same language Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies?, Youth and their roots: what is it like to be born or grow up as a member of the diaspora; how can the youth connect with their homeland? I'm a girls from Afghanistan currently living in Greece.I came here fleeing from my country because I couldn't make my dreams come true. I couldn't afford to have dreams. In this land I can finally make my dreams come true, write my future without forgetting my past. I am working to integrate myself into the country where I live now but without forgetting my roots, who I am and where I come from. Our societies are very different, I am learning about Greek society and I am making known my traditions and the land where I come from to the people of here.
  • Photo: MAT03873.jpg
    Title: Faith
    Brief introduction: even if we pray differently, we are accumulated by the faith of something greater
    Photo date: 2022-10-22
    Photo location: Thessaloniki
  • Photo: MAT03840.jpg
    Title: Culture
    Brief introduction: Every culture has its own beauty, his traditions, and we can share them.
    Photo date: 2022-10-22
    Photo location: Thessaloniki
  • Photo: MAT00715-2.jpg
    Title: Sea
    Brief introduction: In Greece I saw the sea for the first time, I am learning to swim. I go to the beach with my friends but I respect the laws of my religion
    Photo date: 2022-10-09
    Photo location: Thessaloniki
59 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #59 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #59 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #59 Mer, 11/02/2022 - 16:30 Anonimo Inglese María Renée San José Guatemalan Guatemala City Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Amateur SOMETIMES, DIASPORA IS THE ONLY "DREAM" Youth and their roots: what is it like to be born or grow up as a member of the diaspora; how can the youth connect with their homeland? REMEMBERING A FAREWELL:
"My dreams are different, I am going to leave," Romelia insisted to her family. She was 15 years old then, and has been living irregularly in the United States for three years.

According to Arnulfo Mejía, her granddaughter Romelia studies and works "over there", but her roots stays connected in her land and family. "She has already come of age," he says with nostalgic eyes, while pointing to the wall that still holds the memory of the granddaughter he may never see again.

Arnulfo Mejía lives in Pin Pin canton, a quiet and natural community of San Marcos, located more than 300 kilometers west of Guatemala City (in Central America). He is one of the beneficiaries of the Addressing the Root Causes of Irregular Migration project, implemented by IOM and supported by USAID.

  • Photo: Romelia's wall.JPG
    Brief introduction: A colorful wall in a remote community immortalizes the memory of Romelia, who migrated guided by her dreams.
    Photo date: 2022-08-09
    Photo location: Pin Pin canton, San Marcos, Guatemala, Central America
  • Photo: Arnulfo Mejía.JPG
    Brief introduction: Arnulfo Mejía speaks of the dreams of his migrant granddaughter, Romelia, in a nostalgic and resigned voice.
    Photo date: 2022-08-09
    Photo location: Pin Pin canton, San Marcos, Guatemala, Central America
  • Photo: Arnulfo, Pin Pin canton.JPG
    Title: LIFE GOES ON.
    Brief introduction: In the community where Arnulfo lives, IOM works to create opportunities so that irregular migration is not the only "dream" of young men and women.
    Photo date: 2022-08-09
    Photo location: Pin Pin canton, San Marcos, Guatemala, Central America
58 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #58 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #58 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #58 Mer, 11/02/2022 - 11:34 Anonimo Inglese Patrick Kaberia Kenyan Nairobi Kenya Kenya Switzerland Amateur PAWA Africa Youth and their roots: what is it like to be born or grow up as a member of the diaspora; how can the youth connect with their homeland?, Diasporas as influencers: how does the diaspora contribute positively to their societies through the use of technology?, Diasporas helping their communities: what is it like to assist communities during a crisis? The photos represent a Journey of a Diaspora going back to find a home community in a crisis, navigating through a solution, mobilizing friends and developing a water project for the community. This is a story of Patrick kaberia of Meru county in Kenya who goes Back, organizes his community in Nkiene Village , Meru County, and develops a water project to empower the community, schools and boos their livelihood. Patrick kaberia goes for Leadership fellowship initiated by President Obama called YALI ( Young African Leadership Initiative), completes the study and is impacting the community back home. He is running an Organization called PAWA Africa, and is partnering with YALI Alumni across Africa to transform communities, create jobs and enhance social justice.
  • Photo: The journey to our roots.JPG
    Title: The Journey
    Brief introduction: Conducting visits to native community to identify areas of need for the community.
    Photo date: 2021-07-20
    Photo location: URA River near Amung'enti Catholic parish, Meru county
  • Photo: nkiene pry school-meru-kenya.JPG
    Title: Nkiene primary school
    Brief introduction: Energetic students learning in very difficult situations without water or sanitation facilities
    Photo date: 2021-08-02
    Photo location: Nkiene Primary school- Meru county
  • Photo: PAWA-by-patrick-kaberia.JPG
    Title: Meeting Kenya's President William Ruto
    Brief introduction: Consulting with the president of Kenya - H.E Dr William Ruto
    Photo date: 2022-09-20
    Photo location: Nyeri- Kenya
57 Star/flag iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #57 Lock iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #57 Add notes to iDiaspora Photo Contest - 2022: Submission #57 Mer, 11/02/2022 - 10:47 Anonimo Español Mithail Afrige Chowdhury Bangladeshi Dhaka Dhaka Bangladesh Bangladesh Amateur I am a Rohingya Refugee Navigating identities: is there a relationship between Diaspora’s homeland and new land? How do diasporas express their sense of belonging in multiple societies? Risking death by sea or on foot, nearly 700000 rohingya people have been forced to flee from Myanmar to Bangladesh since August, 2017 due to state sponsored military crackdown.While Rohingyas are dissimilar to the Burmese, they (Rohingyas) are similar to Bangladeshi citizens to some extent,in terms of appearance, language, food and clothing, and most importantly, religion.
A major driving force behind Rohingya exodus to Bangladesh is religion.
The Rohingyas assume that Bangladesh is a Muslim majority country; the commonality of
religion between the Rohingyas and the Bangladeshi people would enable a safe resort for the
Rohingyas to live in peace in Bangladesh, and let them do their religious practices. Their
assumptions became true partly. However, religious similarity does not resolve the issues around
their legal status and identity crisis. Despite being exploited, many Rohingyas retain a firm belief
in their connection to their land, Burma, and their ethnic identity.
  • Photo: 1DSC_3567.jpg
    Title: I am a Rohingya Refugee1
    Brief introduction: Rohingya refugee just reached Bangladesh border
    Photo date: 2017-10-16
    Photo location: Coxsbazar,Bangladesh
  • Photo: 2DSC_3327.jpg
    Title: I am a Rohingya Refugee2
    Brief introduction: Two Rohingya carrying their mother to the nearest hospital
    Photo date: 2017-10-15
    Photo location: Coxsbazar,Bangladesh
  • Photo: 3DSC_2420.jpg
    Title: I am a Rohingya Refugee3
    Brief introduction: A rohingya girl with all other rohingya refugee waiting for some relief distributed by Bangladesh army
    Photo date: 2017-09-30
    Photo location: Coxsbazar,Bangladesh