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Job seeker status
Open to new opportunities
Personal Skills
Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible.
Information and communication: More than 10
Financial and insurance activities: More than 10
Professional, scientific and technical activities: More than 10
Arts, entertainment and recreation: 0-1
Other service activities: More than 10
Military, Security: 0-1
Other: More than 10
Current Position
Manager (e.g. directors, senior officials)
Thematic Expertise
Autres types de contributions/activités liées à la diaspora
Namsor has been used for Diaspora mapping and engagement in the context of : Lithuania, Ireland, France, Austria, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Brazil, Rwanda, Mali, Tunisia. Our software is ready for all regions and 130+ diasporas.
Je suis intéressé à participer à des initiatives, des activités et des projets
les deux
Voyage à l’intérieur de mon pays de résidence
Voyage à l’étranger
Je suis disponible pour le(s) type(s) d’affectation(s) suivant(s)
Moyen terme (quelques semaines)
Si vous souhaitez participer, veuillez expliquer brièvement votre motivation
We are involved in Diaspora mapping and engagement projects. Typically we can organize a Diaspora mapping and engagement Hackathon in the country, which takes 2-4 days of preparation and 1-2 days to execute in collaboration with : government, private sector, innovation actors (startups), NGOs/Diaspora orgs and university students.
Titre du poste actuel
Secteur d'activité
Information Technology Services
Description de l'institution

Namsor applies onomastics, the science of names - to map diasporas globally and produce migration data from the "big data"; who are they, where are they, what are they doing. We help countries and organizations reach out to diasporas, for economic development, brain gain and innovative projects. We've doing diaspora mappings and engagement projects on all continents, since 2014. Our state-of-the-art maching learning algorithms are compliant with GDPR and IA ACT. We also build Machine Learning/AI technology to measure biases in algorithms, with respect to gender, race/ethnicity or country of origin.

Nom du contact
Elian Carsenat
Titre du contact
Courriel de contact
Type d'entreprise
Connecting Diaspora for Development (CD4D)