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Ressources D'idiaspora

Displaying 51 - 60 of 117
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Diaspora Mapping: Profile of The Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau Diasporas in ItalyDiaspora Mapping: Profile of The Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau Diasporas in Italy

This mapping of the Gambian, Guinean and Guinea-Bissau diasporas in Italy provides a demographic and socioeconomic profile of these diasporas in Italy. Through the collection and processing of primary and secondary data, the report outlines the current presence and the historical evolution of the migratory flows related to these three nationalities in Italy. It provides information on the educational background and employment status of these diaspora members as well as on remittances flows. Moreover, the report provides information on the associative networks of each diaspora in Italy.
iDiaspora Volunteer

Diagnóstico regional sobre migración haitiana

Este estudio regional, desarrollado por el Instituto de Políticas Públicas en Derechos  Humanos (IPPDH) del MERCOSUR y la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), ofrece un diagnóstico sobre la migración haitiana hacia los países Miembros y Asociados del MERCOSUR. Específicamente, la investigación da cuenta de las trayectorias y dinámicas de  instalación, así como del acceso a derechos sociales de las personas haitianas y de  las políticas de integración local y atención en las principales ciudades de destino:  San Pablo, Buenos Aires y Santiago de Chile.

Mapping of Ethiopian Diasporas Residing in the United States of America

The “Mapping of Ethiopian Diasporas Residing in the United States of America” project was conducted between February 1, 2018 and September 30, 2018. The Government of Ethiopia has now recognized more than ever the need for a structured mechanism on profiling and engaging members of the diaspora. It is estimated that more than two and a half million Ethiopian diaspora members are residing in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Australia and within Africa.
Adrien Perrotton

Diaspora Emergency Action and Coordination Publications

Funded by USAID, the DEMAC initiative – 
Adrien Perrotton

Academic Report – “Self-recovery from disasters: an interdisciplinary perspective”:

This working paper presents the findings from a pilot research project that investigated how disaster-affected households in low- and middle-income countries rebuild their homes in situations where little or no support is available from humanitarian agencies. The project was an interdisciplinary collaboration involving social scientists, geoscientists, structural engineers and humanitarian practitioners.
Adrien Perrotton

Humanitarian Library Shelter and Settlement Resources:

The Humanitarian Library is designed as a global clearinghouse for regional humanitarian knowledge. As a user-oriented resource, it is designed to be the first reference for both sharing and searching for field-relevant documents. Documents can be found by searching the website using keywords or by using a map search function to find information on specific countries or regions.
Adrien Perrotton

The Impact of the Brain Drain on health service delivery in Zimbabwe: A response analysis

The overall objective of the study was to profile the skills of Zimbabwean health workers in the diaspora with the aim of assessing the extent and nature of health worker migration. This would inform future human resource policy in the health sector. The survey also assessed the generic profile of the health care professionals and collected relevant information via detailed questionnaires regarding the factors that induced migration, experiences of health professionals in the diaspora, and the possibility and conditions for short‐term and permanent return.
Adrien Perrotton

Le potentiel de développement des migrants transnationaux d'Afrique Subsaharienne, dans le secteur de la santé à Genève

This study examines the development potential of transnational migrants in the health sector. It looks at the strategies of African migrants in the health sector in Switzerland, and more specifically in Geneva, with regard to the development of their country of origin. It aims to elucidate the actions of policy makers to mobilize the skills and resources of migrants for the benefit of their country of origin.
Adrien Perrotton

Assessment of the Skill Gaps in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Opportunities for Diaspora Contribution to Development

There is an increased recognition that diasporas serve as a source of knowledge, skills, financial capital and as entry points to business networks around the world. This report will examine the potential opportunities of the Vincentian diaspora to contribute to the development of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines specifically from the perspective of diaspora human capital transfer to address skill gaps in their country of origin.
Anastasiia Vynnychenko

Migration as an Enabler of Development in Ukraine

A study on the nexus between development and migration-related financial flows to Ukraine.