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Ressources D'idiaspora

Displaying 21 - 30 of 117
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Sophie Hart

Grants for Diaspora Associations: Peer Exchange Group Synthesis Report

This report captures case studies, examples, tools and lessons learned from countries, NGOs and associations that are providing grants for diaspora organizations to empower and enable diaspora communities to strengthen their ties to their homelands.


El futuro de las diásporas nace de la constatación de que las reflexiones sobre la participación de las diásporas suelen circunscribirse, con demasiada frecuencia, a las situaciones presentes y carecen de una visión vanguardista e  imprescindible del futuro.
Sophie Hart

Diaspora Groups of The Eastern Caribbean: Opportunities, Challenges, and Needs for Collaboration


Roadmap for diaspora engagement in Sudan

This policy brief is the result of multiple consultations Shabaka undertook between June and July 2021 on diaspora engagement in Sudan; specifically, a series of three roundtable discussions exploring a roadmap for effective diaspora engagement. It is an independent initiative set up by Shabaka to facilitate more robust diaspora engagement with the Government of Sudan during this critical transitional period.

Diaspora Organizations and their Humanitarian Response in Pakistan

This case study is part of the Diaspora Emergency Action and Coordination Platform’s (DEMAC) “Research study on diaspora humanitarian response and engagement”.
Veronica Uribe-Kessler

Diaspora Engagement in Health in The Eastern Mediterranean Region: A desk review of experiences

This desk review of the medical (or health) diaspora originating from the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region was conducted jointly by the World Health Organization, Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (WHO/EMRO) and the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) MENA Regional Office, both in Cairo.

Diaspora organizations and their humanitarian response in Somalia

This case study is part of the Diaspora Emergency Action and Coordination Plat- form’s (DEMAC) “Research study on diaspora humanitarian response and engagement”.

Diaspora organizations and their humanitarian response in Ukraine

This case study is part of the Diaspora Emergency Action and Coordination Platform‘s (DEMAC) „Research study on diaspora humanitarian response and engagement“. Ukraine has been blighted by unrest and conflict for decades with many Ukrainians leaving to seek a better life elsewhere. Over 1 million people have received humanitarian assistance in 2020, with the focus on the conflict-affected eastern Ukraine, in addition to the COVID-19 response.
Sophie Hart

ADEPT’s Activities report 2020

The year 2020 will forever be engraved in our minds as the beginning of one of the greatest health crises known to mankind: the COVID‐19 pandemic. It has changed the world, our economies, our social lives, our ability to move freely and has affected all sectors of activity. For a non-profit organisation like ADEPT and its members, the pandemic has brought new challenges and major changes, both internally and externally. She forced us to use creative and innovative approaches to perform our missions, while staying safe, due to social distancing rules.
iDiaspora Volunteer

Le potentiel de développement des migrants transnationaux d'Afrique subsaharienne, dans le secteur de la santé à Genève

Cette étude s’inscrit dans la thématique “ migrations-développement-santé”, en portant sur le potentiel de développement de migrants transnationaux dans le secteur de la santé.