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Teamwork: develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results.
Current Position
Manager (e.g. directors, senior officials)
Title of current position
Executive Director
Communities of origin you serve or you represent / a part of
Description of Institution

TALO Organization is a non-neither governmental, nor political and not profit making. The establishment of this organization emerged due to overall unstable situation in the country. TALO organization was founded 01/09/2004 by Somali intellectual group of committed members in Karan district which lies geographically in the eastern zone of the vast capital city of Mogadishu and have branches in Middle Shebelle region and Lower Shebelle region, Hiiran region Mudug region Galkacy, Bay and Bakool regions (Ceelbarde & Baidoa), Gedo Region (Garbaharey) of Somalia also TALO has a written vision and mission as well as prevention of the risk of HIV/AIDS and other diseases, which spread our community in Somalia,

TALO provide humanitarian aid to the affected flood drought and prolong conflict for the IDP´s and vulnerable host-community, farmers and Pastoralists in the South and Central Somalia region, registered by Somalia Federal government local federal state authorities.
TALO Organization is based in Somalia and supports Somalia vulnerable communities through provision of Humanitarian aid such as Agricultural & livelihoods, Food Security, Health &Nutrition, Water and Sanitation Hygiene, child Protection, Education, Recovery, & Rehabilitation for public and private community sector and Research and Development initiatives for Social Economic Development based projects. Such as microfinance projects for income and job creation to the people IDP´s and pastoralists which have their resources destroyed by the civil war and famine and drought in Somalia and haven’t other income jobs opportunities.
Who We Are?
TALO Aid and Development Organization (TALO) is a non-neither governmental, nor political and not profit making which registered in Somalia Federal Government, and also cooperates regional states in Somalia.

What We Do?
TALO organization facilitates humanitarian projects :Emergency Relief and Response Preparedness, Food Security and Nutrition, Livelihood & Agriculture, Health, Hiv/Aids, Education, WASH Water Sanitation & Hygiene, Protection, Research Development, FGM Awareness, Conflict & Peace Resolution, Democracy, Human rights & Good Governance, Climate Change & Environmental Protection, to attain sustainable lives.
Where We Work?
1) South & Central Somalia: Mogadishu
2) Puntland: Garowe
3) Somaliland: Hergeysa

Contact Name
Mr.Zakaria Ahmed
Contact Title
Executive Director
Contact Email