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Harpreet Singh Dhunna

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an ISO39001 certified Road Traffic Safety Management System Lead Auditor
working for road safety and Injury prevention with special focus on Pillar 5th Post
Crash Care and Pillar 2nd Infrastructure of Decade of Action .He has accomplished
several important certification like “Integrated Urban Transport Planning” and
“Sustainable Cities” for better understanding of the concept.
Being the official partner of SDGs MyWorld2015 and My World2030 and being a
learner of ‘Transforming the World Achieving the Sustainable Development
Goals’ he is working for the targets of Sustainable Development Goals 3.6 and
11.2 through his drives .
He has created several analytical reports related to road safety concerns of the
region like “Nothing will happen if a bystander does not choose to help”,“Fog is
often considered as a mere nuisance rather than a hazard”, “Road Safety Is Your
Responsibility –Women Wear Helmet” ,“ Cyclists are hard to be seen on roads –
make them visible”.
His poster presentations “SEE ME SAVE ME - IMPROVING THE SAFETY OF
CYCLISTS has been approved in 12th world conference of injury prevention
Finland, Transport Research Board USA and Lifesavers conference Texas. His
abstract of paper “evaluation of arrival pattern of road crash victims in hospitals
in city of Mohali has been approved for oral presentation in Road safety of Five
Continents –South Korea and for poster presentation in The Australasian College
Of Road Safety Journal Australia.
His short film “Death Was Calling” was shortlisted in 80 Jury’s selection out of
243 short films in Global Road safety Film Festival Geneva .
The impact of his intervention comes in the shape of policy making in State of
Punjab in relation with Good Samaritan Act of India where State Government is
pushed to issue a stringent notification for Hospitals either Private or Public to
protect the rights of Good Samaritans and display a notice board welcoming the
road crash victims for immediate treatment .With his continuous efforts the State
Traffic Police chief has issued a advisory to all district police chiefs to observe
Mandatory and Priority Give way to an Ambulance under all and every situations