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The Government of Rwanda (GoR) strongly believes that the Rwandan diaspora is an important component of the national socioeconomic development of the country. Previous diaspora mapping exercises conducted in Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Canada by IOM and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MINAFFET), showed that the majority of the Rwandan diaspora members have the technical and professional capacity and are willing to contribute to the development of their country of origin, not only through remittances and investments but also through skills, knowledge, mentoring and technology transfer initiatives.

“Partnership with diaspora communities has been at the heart of our work throughout the decades. As we witnessed during this pandemic and beyond, diasporas have the talent, knowledge, resources, and commitment to engage with their communities during the times of crisis and emergencies or when engaging in long-term development work.” - IOM Director General, António Vitorino

Diaspora Engagement in the Finance Sector

This project intends to identify and engage qualified Rwandan financial experts, residing in Canada and the United States who wish to participate and transfer their expertise to the Rwanda’s finance sector. Selected financial experts will have the opportunity to work with different financial institutions and engage in a knowledge and skills transfer experience with their local counterparts within the respective host financial institution.

Apply to Support the Finance Sector in Rwanda

Diaspora Engagement to Support the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Sector

The objective of this project is to leverage the skills of Rwandan diaspora members residing in Europe to strengthen the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector in Rwanda. Funded by the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid, this project is seeking highly qualified professionals willing to temporarily relocate to Rwanda in order to give a training of trainers to TVET professors and students in their areas of expertise for one to six months.

Ultimately, the aim of the Trainings of Trainers is to bring the diaspora trainers and trainees together in developing innovative project ideas addressing local needs. The ten best proposals will receive financial support from IOM in order to implement their projects, and coaching from diaspora professional. These pilot projects will contribute to the development of local initiatives, job creation and improve the relation between diaspora members and their Rwandan counterparts.

Apply to Support the TVET Sector in Rwanda

Diaspora Engagement in the Health Sector

This project intends to engage qualified Rwandan medical professionals residing in Europe who are interested in transferring their skills, knowledge, and technology to Rwanda’s health sector. Selected specialized health professionals will provide needed services and relevant trainings in their areas of expertise in different health facilities across Rwanda.

Apply to support the Health Sector in Rwanda

Testimonies From the Rwandan Diaspora





Rwandan Innovators