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iDiaspora Photo Contest 2022 - Gallery

Origins by: MÉDINE TIDOU

Country of Origin: Côte d'Ivoire
Country of Residence: Germany

With “Origins”, Tidou attempts to define the concept of culture and how it shapes through time and space. Her works disembowel the cultural layers embodied by a person and shows the various identities one could carry. Every day the selves of multicultural people imbricate, using the correct layout to occupy more space in reality – or being repressed to blend in a specific environment. The goal of „Origins“ is to create a visual conversational space for and with diasporas. In each photograph, the border of their country of “Origin” is the line that connects the different identities carried by these people part of the diaspora in Europe. (Kenya, Santa Lucia , Zimbabwe, Gambia borders are visible on these photographs) . Crossing the physical border of our country is mostly when we start developping other identities.

  • Title
    Origin: Santa Lucia 1
    Brief Introduction
    Christine comes from Santa Lucia and ives in Germany since many years. The 2 identities she carries are part of what makes Christine. One represents her personality when she is in her home country, the other one is the one that blends into European landsc
    Photo location
  • Title
    Origin: Kenya 1
    Brief Introduction
    Lara comes from Kenya and not only, in her everyday life Kenyan culture is the one that experess itself the most.
    Photo location
  • Title
    Origin: Gambia 1
    Brief Introduction
    Musa is from Gambia and works as a fashion designer in Berlin. His art allows him to give more space to his cullture of Origin and share it with the European crowd.
    Photo location