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Global Mobility Restriction Overview 1 June 2020

The global number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase, reaching 6 million (6, 057, 853) as per the World Health Organization’s report on 1st June 2020. As the reported case numbers continue to increase globally, the epicenter of the pandemic has steadily started shifting to different parts of the world resulting in differing changes in restrictive mobility measures. In response, certain Governments and authorities have continued to extend mobility restrictions while others have shifted to a gradual easing of restrictive measures. There was a slight increase in the number of travel restrictions from 63,381 recorded on 28th May 2020 in comparison to 64,137 restrictions on 1st June 2020, indicating an increase of about 1 percent. Despite the increase in global mobility restrictions, there has been a trending shift from blanket restrictions such as flight suspensions and passenger bans, towards less restrictive medical measures such as mandatory quarantine, provision of medical certificates and medical screening. As such, there was an increase of 10 percent in measures such as medical requirements, and a decrease of almost 2 percent for restrictions on passengers arriving from certain countries, territories or areas. This shift is also reflected by the lifting of all COVID-19 related travel restrictions previously issued by the American Virgin Islands, in effect from 27th May 2020. In parallel to existing travel restrictions, a total of 174 countries, territories or areas have issued 702 exceptions enabling mobility despite blanket travel restrictions.

This update includes an overview, key highlights on restrictions and exceptions.

The current outbreak of COVID-19 has affected global mobility in the form of various travel disruptions and restrictions.

Data collected includes:

  1. Date of restriction
  2. Country of Restriction
  3. Countries on which restrictions were imposed
  4. Type of restriction- total restriction, or conditional restriction – such as medical/ and or visa restriction

This DTM-Covid19 Travel Restrictions Output presents an analysis based on country imposing, country being imposed upon, and the aggregation of the restriction type. The aim of the data analysis is to provide an overview of the COVID-19 outbreak on global mobility and to help identify and develop response.

Data Source: IATA and official government websites. 
Please find the full report below for more details.