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Mainstreaming Migration into Development Planning: A Handbook for Policy-makers and Practitioners

Governments at both ends of the migration cycle increasingly recognize the value of diasporas’ spontaneous engagements with their countries of origin and are seeking ways to cooperate with them. Beyond the remittances they send back to their homelands (more than USD 400 billion in 2010), diasporas are major direct investors in critical and emerging industries, known patrons of nascent tourism initiatives, and generous philanthropists.
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Developing a Road Map for Engaging Diasporas in Development: A Handbook for Policymakers and Practitioners in Home and Host Countries

Governments at both ends of the migration cycle increasingly recognize the value of diasporas’ spontaneous engagements with their countries of origin and are seeking ways to cooperate with them. Beyond the remittances they send back to their homelands (more than USD 400 billion in 2010), diasporas are major direct investors in critical and emerging industries, known patrons of nascent tourism initiatives, and generous philanthropists.
Adrien Perrotton

(FR-IT) Cartographie des flux migratoires des marocains en Italie / Cartografia dei Flussi migratori dei Marocchini in Italia

The document is both in French and Italian. It gives an overview of the Moroccan community in Italy and its evolution over time. More than fifteen years of data is presented. Ce document est en Français et en Italien. Il offre un aperçu de la communauté marocaine en Italie et de son évolution avec le temps. Plus de cinquante ans de données sont présentées. Questo documento e in Francese e in Italiano. Offre una panoramica della comunità marocchina e della sua evoluzione col tempo. Piu di cinquant'anni di dati sono presentati.
Adrien Perrotton

MTM A dialogue in Action : Linking Emigrant Communities for More Development. Inventory of Capacities and Practices

The joint ICMPD-IOM project “Linking Emigrant Communities for More Development”, of which the main deliverable is an “Inventory of Institutional Capacities and Practices”, should be seen as a part or parcel of multiple initiatives aiming to support governments with significant emigrant communities to further develop a favourable environment and support knowledge-based policy development.
Adrien Perrotton

Harnessing the Development Potential of Kenyans Living in the United Kingdom

​The publication builds on the findings from the Kenya Diaspora Investment Forum (KDIF), although it has an exclusively British focus. The diaspora in the UK was selected as a target group because of IOM UK's strong linkage with the Kenyan community there and also because it is a key destination country for Kenyans. The research aims at widening the parameters of Kenyan diaspora involvement in development efforts.k
Adrien Perrotton

A Study on the Dynamics of the Egyptian Diaspora: Strengthening Development Linkages

The main goal of this study is to provide an overview on Egyptian Diasporas, examine avenues for engaging diaspora in the development of Egypt and to recommend policies and programmes to enhance their contribution towards the socio-economic development of the country. It has a look at the Egyptian diaspora migration dynamics and their migratory process; the needs, concerns and priorities of diaspora communities; and the different potential resources within the diaspora communities that could contribute to the national development process in Egypt.
Adrien Perrotton

Harnessing the Development Potential of Remittances: The Italy-Philippines Migration and Remittance Corridor

This study reviews the migration and the remittance corridor between the Philippines and Italy through a development lens. The study enhances understanding about remittance behaviour among Filipinos based in Italy and its relationship to development issues; and develops insights and recommendations for policymakers and other stakeholders who could harness remittances to create an impact on the development of migrants, their families and origin countries.
Adrien Perrotton

Migration and Development: Migrant Stories

Recognition of the linkages between migration and development is increasing. The positive contribution migrants make to society is visible worldwide but certainly in the Netherlands. Their participation contributes to technological development, economic activities and cultural enrichment. Many migrants remain strongly connected to their country of origin. They send money back, but also transfer knowledge and experience.
Adrien Perrotton

Maximizing the Development Impact of Migration-Related Financial Flows and Investment to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The overall aim of this research is to provide relevant stakeholders in government and private sectors in BiH with primary and reliable data, information, analysis and recommendations related to: a) key migration and development issues, b) supporting the design of possible intervention models, and thereby c) supporting overall sustainable development of the country.
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WMIDA Migrant Women for Development in Africa

Migrant Women for Development in Africa is a project promoted by the International Organization for Migration and funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - General Directorate for Development Cooperation, in the framework of MIDA - Migration for Development in Africa: a strategy conceived by IOM in 2001 to involve migrants in the socioeconomic development of their country of origin.