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Diaspora Mapping: Profile of The Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau Diasporas in ItalyDiaspora Mapping: Profile of The Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau Diasporas in Italy

This mapping of the Gambian, Guinean and Guinea-Bissau diasporas in Italy provides a demographic and socioeconomic profile of these diasporas in Italy. Through the collection and processing of primary and secondary data, the report outlines the current presence and the historical evolution of the migratory flows related to these three nationalities in Italy. It provides information on the educational background and employment status of these diaspora members as well as on remittances flows. Moreover, the report provides information on the associative networks of each diaspora in Italy.

Project Development Manual for Migrants’ Association”

The “Project Development Manual for Migrants’ Association” systematizes the experience that IOM Italy has gained over the years in the organization of the A.MI.CO. – Migration Associations for Co-Development - training courses, developing a specific model explicitly tailored on the needs and specificities of the associations in question.
Chelsea Cooper

Humanitarian Response, Build Back Safer and DRR

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Washington is currently implementing the second phase of a project entitled "Strengthening the Engagement of Diaspora for Alternative Approach to Safer Shelters in Disaster Response, Preparedness and Recovery" funded by the U.S. Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA).

Empowering Female Diaspora Associations to Strengthen their Role in the Development of their Countries of Origin. Colloque international sur le leadership des femmes africaines

Retour en images sur le colloque international des femmes africaines et afro-descendantes dont la 1ère édition se déroulait ce mardi 26 mars à Wallonie Bruxelles Internationale.

Women Diaspora 4dev Academy de l'OIM

La Women Diaspora 4dev Academy est une initiative mise en œuvre par le bureau belge de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) avec le soutien financier de la Coopération belge au développement. L’objectif global du projet est de contribuer au renforcement des associations -principalement composées de femmes- de la diaspora africaine afin de soutenir leur engagement dans le développement de leurs pays d’origine.
K Akao

Sierra Leone Diaspora Online Training Activity Final Report

IOM Sierra Leone cordinated Diaspora professors to provide lecture to Sierra Leone university. Many Diaspora professors/ lecturers are not able to come back home country due to working condition in destinated country. So, IOM organized E-learning platform and link Diaspora lecturer to home country. 
K Akao

Sierra Leone Diaspora Medical Mission Final Report

IOM Sierra Leone organized Diaspora medical mission to rural districts of Sierra Leone, Kailahun and Koinadugu. This time, IOM dispatched several medical experts, surgical doctors, obstetrician, dentist, dermatology doctor and experienced nurse. This mission contributed more than 450 outpatients, 129 surgical patients and 125 dental patients. 
K Akao

Sierra Leone Diaspora Agribusiness Investment Forum Final Report

IOM Sierra Leone opened Diaspora Investment Forum, with Japanese Trade Organization (JETRO) and several Diaspora organizations. IOM invited 12 Diaspora investors, also JETRO invited 11 FDI to Sierra Leone and consider how to encourage Diaspora for country investment. 

Hometown Associations in 12 steps

The summary of the Guide for local public authorities and migrants on the creation and consolidation of Moldovan Natives' Associations  was developed within the UNDP's Migration and Local Development Project, with the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

Mapping of Ethiopian Diasporas Residing in the United States of America

The “Mapping of Ethiopian Diasporas Residing in the United States of America” project was conducted between February 1, 2018 and September 30, 2018. The Government of Ethiopia has now recognized more than ever the need for a structured mechanism on profiling and engaging members of the diaspora. It is estimated that more than two and a half million Ethiopian diaspora members are residing in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Australia and within Africa.