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Daphne Henning

Build Back Safer

The scenario of insufficient resources, the need to enhance community preparedness, response and recovery efforts, and the recognition that shelter is a process, and not only a product, has led to an increased emphasis on engagement and partnership with non-traditional actors, like affected communities themselves and the diasporas that seek to help them.

Daphne Henning

Diaspora’s Engagement in COVID-19 Response and Relief

Supporting COVID-19 Response and Relief at the Country Level Through Disbursement and Facilitation of Sub-Grants for Selected Diaspora Organizations

To galvanize diaspora’s engagement in COVID-19 response, IOM Washington, DC is implementing a project funded by USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, with the ultimate goal to increase the reach and effectiveness of relief assistance to communities affected…


Global Diaspora Week

Global Diaspora Week is a week of global activities for Diaspora Organizations (DO) in the world to advocate, discuss, debate and make recommendations on subjects pertaining to diasporas and their supporting communities. It is organized by Global Diaspora Confederation supported by the UN IOM.



Regional Diaspora Engagement in Southern Africa


Are you a member of or work with the diaspora community of the Southern Africa region? Would you like to engage with other members, organizations, experts and institutions and find opportunities to leverage your work? Would you like access to diaspora success stories, best practices and relevant policies from across the region? Would you like to voice your opinions and contribute to the discourse on national and regional initiatives, including development programs and skills…


Diaspora Youth Design Competition: “The Future of Diaspora”

Are you a young member of any diaspora interested in design? How do you envision diaspora engagement in the future? 

ADEPT and iDiaspora are organising the First Design Competition for young diaspora members.  



Online Certificate Programme: Migration Governance and Diaspora Engagement

Why this Programme?

Migration is a defining feature of the 21st century in more than one way. Both migration and diaspora are closely linked with processes of social, economic and political development as well as important for individual empowerment for millions of people, communities and nations. Target 10.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emphasizes the facilitation of orderly, safe, and responsible…


Call for submissions: Empowering Global Diasporas in the Digital Era

A collaboration between Routed Magazine and iDiaspora. A special issue on the theme of ‘Empowering global diasporas in the digital era’ , to be published in June 2021. The deadline for proposals is 23 April 2021.

Empowering the South American Diaspora as Agents for Sustainable Development

It is estimated that there are more than 10 million emigrants from South America living outside the region, and these do not include second and third generation migrants. All six countries participating in this project have institutions at the sub-ministerial level responsible for engaging with their diasporas, and four of them have policies that address the topic. This is strong evidence of the importance of the diaspora to these countries.

The objective of this project is to…

Daphne Henning

Framework for Diaspora Engagement in Humanitarian Assistance

Diaspora organizations provide tremendous added value to humanitarian assistance. Historically, diasporas are key contributors to their countries of origin or heritage through remittances and other financial or in-kind contributions, but their involvement in humanitarian efforts mean so much more.