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The world’s first Global Diaspora Week – Europe Day

Event date with timezone
- Europe/London
Type of Event

Global Diaspora Week is a week of global activities for Diaspora Organizations (DO) in the world to advocate, discuss, debate and make recommendations on subjects pertaining to diasporas and their supporting communities. It is organized by Global Diaspora Confederation supported by the UN IOM.

Global Diaspora Week 2021 Theme: Sustainable Development & Migration: Harnessing Global Diaspora Organisations’ Efforts for Development.

Europe Day will host a High-Level Consultation Meeting for Diaspora Organizations to share the challenges and needs of their diaspora communities and how they work towards Sustainable Development Goals. The meeting will be moderated by GDC and observed by migration experts, and presented by Diaspora Organization leaders. The GDC, observers and nominated Diaspora Organizations will then summarize the findings and your good work for Europe to present at the Global Diaspora Assembly (Day 7 and International Migrants Day). Some of the findings and recommendations may be summarized in the GDC report instead of the presentations.

(Greenwich Mean Time: 6pm – 8pm Eastern European Time: 8pm – 10pm)

This event is only for Diaspora Organizations based in or from Europe (leaders and representatives).

If you are a Diaspora Organization, please sign up here (your organization will be recognized for the Week):

If you are NOT a Diaspora Organization but would like to be kept in touch, please sign up here:


About Global Diaspora Confederation (GDC) 

We exist to empower Diaspora Organizations for all peoples

The Global Diaspora Confederation is the world’s largest diaspora-led civil society organization for Diaspora Organizations. GDC aims to build an inclusive movement where all Diaspora Organizations can be supported, belong to, discover and realize their ambitions in order to achieve peace, unity, and social and economic advancement for all.
