The unprecedented number and scale of humanitarian crises around the world are challenging national and international actors to meet the demand for assistance and services in increasingly complex situations. This is particularly true in the shelter sector where only 10- 20% post-disaster housing needs are met. Diaspora groups play a significant role in humanitarian assistance: they are often the first responders along with the local population; and they fundraise, volunteer, implement projects and send billions of dollars in remittances every year. These remittances spike following natural disasters in the migrants’ home countries, and they have a significant impact on disaster response and the reconstruction efforts.
The training will include:
• Understanding shelters and best practices in shelters and settlements.
• Discuss global approaches to humanitarian assistance, disaster response and preparedness.
• Explore channels for a more coordinated and effective diaspora disaster response in the shelter sector
All participants will receive IOM Gear and a Certificate of Completion