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Coordinating and Partnering with Diaspora for More Inclusive and Effective Humanitarian Assistance - Towards a Framework for Engagement

Event date with timezone
- Europe/Brussels
United States of America
Type of Event
International Organization for Migration

Join the International Organization for Migration, Diaspora Emergency Action & Coordination (DEMAC), and Haiti Renewal Alliance for a session of the 2021 Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week.

The scope of the session will be to contribute to advance the agenda of strengthening the engagement of diaspora in humanitarian assistance by:

  • Sharing of good practices both by international actors and by diaspora communities in terms of humanitarian assistance, coordination, and the added value of such collaboration.
  • Presentation of a draft framework for diaspora coordination with institutional humanitarian actors for a more collaborative and effective humanitarian assistance, with mention to how improving diaspora internal coordination can facilitate stronger external relationships.
  • Proposing concrete tools and platforms to facilitate the ways in which diasporas can coordinate with each other
  • Exploring how the humanitarian architecture can engage more effectively and in a more coordinated manner with Diasporas in humanitarian emergencies but also in other phases of the disaster management cycle.

With panel contributions from:

  • Roberta Romano, Migration Policy Officer/ Diaspora's Engagement Focal Point, IOM Washington
  • Mingo Heiduk Tetsche, Head of Unit, Civil Society Engagement, DRC/DEMAC
  • Magalie Emile Backer, Co-Founder of Haiti Renewal Alliance, HRA
  • Hazem Rihawi, Senior Program Manager, American Relief Coalition for Syria
  • Zebu Jilani, President of Swat Relief Initiative, Pakistani Diaspora
  • Ahmed Dharbaxo, President, New Ways