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The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working in Ukraine for over 25 years, supporting country’s development and responding to acute humanitarian needs. We have substantially scaled up our operations since late February 2022 to assist the most affected areas of the country. But, as the war continues and winter is approaching fast, the needs increase and so shall our support.  Together with the Ukrainian diaspora, who since the first days of the war has shown its unwavering commitment, we can do more and we can help more.

We invite diaspora members and organizations to support humanitarian response and economic recovery in Ukraine and register in IOM roster. IOM team will assess diaspora member’s skills, expertise and resources and link them to the needs on the ground. Besides, we will be in touch regularly through the mailing list, to share what we do in Ukraine and to find ways for us to cooperate.



It is natural that when disaster strikes many of us want to drop everything and do everything we can to help. However, the humanitarian responders have specific needs in terms of skills, knowledge, experience, and expertise. Below are some specific opportunities to support the work on the ground based on the needs of the humanitarian actors responding to the emergency.

Post Opportunities

We believe that collectively diaspora can be an accelerator in Ukraine’s recovery, and individually everyone can contribute to it  — even a few hours of your time remotely can make a change for Ukrainians in need.

We also would like to learn more about you. Your skills. Your interests. Whatever you do best and are willing to share with others.

Fill out the form, and we will understand better how you can help rebuilding Ukraine.


  • Maybe you could spend a few hours each month, providing online consultations for a small Ukrainian business?
  • Maybe you could mentor Ukrainians left without income on how to find remote employment?
  • Maybe you can provide psychological consultation to people who experience war trauma?
  • Maybe you could connect Ukrainian entrepreneurs to the markets in the country where you live now?
  • Maybe you can teach English to Ukrainians who will then use it to apply for new jobs?

Such opportunities are endless and all of them will help Ukrainians to be more resilient and to weather the coming storms.

We are looking for a wide range of expertise from mental health professionals to business consultants. It will take you only 5 minutes to fill out the form and after that IOM  will be in touch with you to discuss possible cooperation and match your expertise with the needs we see on the ground.

Donate your expertise. A few hours of your time to build Ukraine’s resilience.