International Migrants Day - 2020
Every migrant carries with them a seed. A seed to plant in some land away from where they were born. A seed to plant and water and groom into a tree that blossoms, gives shade and bears fruit in that land where they have seen fit to settle. The seed grows, the migrant glows, the land prospers. This is the story of the migrant and her/his seed. 270 million people are migrants, who send home an astonishing $689 billion, according to the IOM World Migration 2020 report. This reveals that the migrant who carries his/her seed of creativity, passion, craft, skill, culture, hopes and dreams represent a crucial cog in the wheel of global development. These are communities of people who though away from their homelands, enrich their new homes and hostlands and contribute wealth to both societies. In 2020, iDIASPORA celebrates the potential of transnational communities. Happy International Migrants Day!