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Sarudzai Audacious Chiutsi

Главные вкладки

Digital Skills
Computer literacy: Н/Д
Educational background
Master’s Degree
I am interested to be involved in initiatives, activities and projects
Travel within my country of residence
Travel abroad
Remote work
I am available for the following type of assignment(s)
Short term (a few days)
Medium term (a few weeks)
Long term (more than one month)
If you are interested in being involved, please briefly explain your motivation
Having heard and later reading to understand better about iDiaspora, I learnt that the role it plays globally is of paramount importance. Diasporians indeed are economic contributors, charity workers, and they disseminate new cultures to the society they settle in. In order for these roles to be successfully achieved, to reach as wide audience as possible, the community needs language service providers.
It is for this reason that I am motivated to invest my translation skills. I would like to be part of a pool of World trade, diplomacy and general communication enablers through language translation. This will allow me to have a meaningful input into Diaspora's resolve to write its own story in the form of books, papers and different media translated into multiple languages to reach as wider an audience as possible.
I am confident, if granted the opportunity, iDiaspora will find in me a hardworking, reliable and dedicated team player who yearns to promote unity between states regardless of race, ethnicity or religion.
I am available for interview at your earliest convenience as I look forward to your favourable response.

My name is Sarudzai Audacious Chiutsi. I am a professional translator. I have a passion for languages and this has seen me studying English language and specialising in my native language (Shona) at Advanced Level. I had an opportunity to move to Algeria and this presented a chance for me to major in French Language. This saw me enlisting at the University of Languages in 2012 (University of Algiers 2) and I graduated in 2015 with a Bachelor’s Degree in French Language. In 2019, I was selected for a competitive professional translator training by the African Union through the Pan-African University and graduated in November 2021 with a Master’s degree in Translation. My language studies have been an eye opener and I developed an in-depth interest to give back to the community as a language service provider.