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Staff and/or board members
Peter L. Rene, Chairman & CEO; Ana Valenzuela, President; Marvan Pilgrim, Vice President;
Сообщества происхождения, которым вы служите или которые вы представляете/частью которых вы являетесь
United States of America
Key activities and services
The Caribbean American Heritage Foundation of Texas works to and assist Texas Caribbean Organizations achieve their goals: education, heath, and cultural, objectives through strategic partnership and mutual collaborations, in the spirit of cooperation.
Описание учреждения

The Caribbean American Heritage Foundation of Texas (CAHFT), a 501 (c)(3) Cultural and Arts non-profit organization, founded in 2010 in Houston, Texas, was established to partner with, collaborate with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to bring awareness the rich, lush history the Caribbean Arts and Culture and to promote its benefits and our contributions to the diverse cultures in our world. We work in the Caribbean to: improve people’s lives and spur personal development; provide quality education to children; provide food security through school feeding programs; work to provide good health and promote well-being to all, and to promote peace, justice and assist in building effective accountable institutions throughout the Caribbean.

Имя контакта
Peter Rene
Название контакта
Chairman & CEO
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