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Benjamin Kioko

Главные вкладки

Digital Skills
Computer literacy: Н/Д
Educational background
Master’s Degree
I am interested to be involved in initiatives, activities and projects
Travel within my country of residence
Travel abroad
Remote work
I am available for the following type of assignment(s)
Short term (a few days)
Medium term (a few weeks)
Long term (more than one month)
If you are interested in being involved, please briefly explain your motivation
I believe in a whole of society approach to addressing Global challenges. To execute such, call for broad networks domestically, regionally and at the global arena. iDIASPORA and its partner's projects are predicated upon networks that transcend national and regional borders. I would wish to build a career that encompass engagement/relations and networks that transcend Kenya and Africa.

Date of Birth: 6th August, 1981.

Marital Status: married

Pass Port No. AK0441781
