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Current Position
Manager (e.g. directors, senior officials)
I am interested to be involved in initiatives, activities and projects
Travel within my country of residence
Travel abroad
Remote work
I am available for the following type of assignment(s)
Short term (a few days)
Medium term (a few weeks)
Long term (more than one month)
Описание учреждения

"Shaping good governance through influential diasporas, at home and abroad."

TDI is an independent thinking and doing outfit born from shaping a more informed, open, and accessible understanding of diasporas and migration. By placing innovation and cutting-edge expertise at the core of our work, TDI's in-depth research assets and be-spoke analytical tools are a resource for diaspora associations/initiatives, civil societies, national administrations, and international organisations alike. We strive to improve migration governance and diaspora engagement strategies while providing strategic insights and executive support to diaspora organisations seeking to maximise their (transnational) impact.

A unique feature of our work has been developing a network analysis algorithm that enables the interactive mapping of diasporas across the world while capturing the unique, granular profile of each community. From demography to geographical outreach, and from cooperation to impact metrics, the TDI open platform offers a journey into migration trajectories, diasporic experiences and community livelihoods. As practitioners, we seek to apply what we research, so our work intertwines with multiple sectors for creative problem-solving: migration and mobility governance, civic activism, diaspora & civil society advocacy, public-private partnerships, information technologies, humanitarian ecosystems, capacity development (and more to follow).

- Academic research/think tank
- Civic accelerator
- Expertise and strategic liaison for policy and decision-making
- Consulting

TDI is committed to forging and nurturing long-lasting, multi-stakeholder partnerships so please feel free to reach out.

Check our initiatives (https://diasporainitiative.org/initiatives/):