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iDiaspora Volunteer

Diálogo Internacional sobre la Migración No. 22 - Diásporas y Desarrollo: Tender Puentes entre Sociedades y Estados

La Conferencia Ministerial sobre la Diáspora, celebrada el 18 y 19 de junio de 2013, constituye un hito en la historia del debate mundial sobre la migración y el desarrollo. En medio de los numerosos eventos internacionales que condujeron al Segundo Diálogo de Alto Nivel de las Naciones Unidas sobre la migración internacional y el desarrollo, celebrado en octubre de 2013, la Conferencia sobre la Diáspora es la primera y única reunión mundial de políticos de alto nivel, encargados de la diáspora y de su participación en el desarrollo de sus países de origen.
iDiaspora Volunteer

Migration for Development in Africa - Mobilizing the African Diasporas for the Development of Africa

Thousands of African nationals leave their home country each year to pursue better economic prospects within or outside Africa, depriving the continent of its vital human resources. Despite this enormous loss, the African diaspora, equipped with their competencies, new ideas and expertise gained abroad, are a tremendous asset to the development of their countries of origin as well as to their host country.
iDiaspora Volunteer

Diaspora Dialogues

Migration brings substantial benefits to destination countries by easing labour shortages, for instance in such activities as childcare or house cleaning, low skilled jobs in the underground economy, but also jobs in industries requiring high skills and specialist knowledge. Migrants can contribute to the development of new technologies and skills, and enrich the human capital, create job opportunities and wealth that result from migrant entrepreneurial activities. These are factors that can enhance flexibility and productivity and contribute to economic growth and GDP.
iDiaspora Volunteer

Institutionalising Diaspora Linkage: The Emigrant Bangladeshis in UK and USA

The emigrant population has certain emotional, social and cultural requirements, which they fulfil by maintaining a certain degree of relationship with their origin country. This in many cases result in strong economic, social and cultural interactions. Because of these links, Bangladesh along with the host countries has made significant gains from long-term emigration of a section of its population.
Anastasiia Vynnychenko

Migrant Remittances and Savings Infographic

Infographics on migrant remittances, savings and investment plans 
Adrien Perrotton

IOM-MPI Issue in Brief No. 7 – Engaging the Asian Diaspora

Dovelyn Rannveig Agunias and Kathleen Newland explore how governments in Asia are facilitating diaspora contributions, including creation of conducive legal frameworks and diaspora-centred institutions to initiation of programmes that specifically target diasporas as development actors. The issue brief details a number of legislative proposals geared at diasporas, including flexible citizenship laws and visa arrangements, political and property rights and reduced income tax rates; it also examines the diaspora-centred institutions in government.
System Admin

Focus on Migration: Migration, Diaspora and Development

During the past years recognition of the linkages between migration and development is increasing. More insight has become available how migration affects development and vice versa. That this relationship is not negative, is among others shown by the positive role migrants play in both their country of residence and in their country of origin. Their participation contributes to technological development, economic activities and cultural enrichment. Many migrants remain strongly connected to their country of origin.
Adrien Perrotton

Migration and Development: Migrant Stories

Recognition of the linkages between migration and development is increasing. The positive contribution migrants make to society is visible worldwide but certainly in the Netherlands. Their participation contributes to technological development, economic activities and cultural enrichment. Many migrants remain strongly connected to their country of origin. They send money back, but also transfer knowledge and experience.