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Pablo García Caraballo

Schede primarie

Job seeker status
Actively seeking new opportunities
Titolo di studio (risposte multiple)
Bachelor’s or equivalent level
Personal Skills
Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible.
Managing and sharing knowledge: continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.
Teamwork: develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results.
Language Abilities
Mother tongue
Mother tongue
Digital Skills
Computer literacy: Advance
Programming, Web and App Development: Medium
Digital Design and Data Visualization: Medium
Digital Marketing and Social Media: Advance
Data Science and Data Analytics: Medium
Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning: Beginner
Blockchain: Beginner
Electricity; gas, steam and air conditioning supply: 5-10
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities: More than 10
Construction: More than 10
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles: 5-10
Transportation and storage: 5-10
Accommodation and food service activities: 1-5
Information and communication: 1-5
Real estate activities: 1-5
Professional, scientific and technical activities: More than 10
Administrative and support service activities: 5-10
Current Position
Professional (e.g. doctors, nurses, teachers, accountants)
Thematic Expertise
Titolo di studio
Laurea Triennale
Sono interessato/a a essere coinvolto in iniziative, attività e progetti
A viaggiare all'interno del mio paese di residenza
A viaggiare all'estero
A lavorare a distanza
Sono disponibile per il seguente tipo di incarico/i
A breve termine (pochi giorni)
A medio termine (alcune settimane)
A lungo termine (più di un mese)
Titolo professionale nell’impiego attuale
Work engineer

Ingeniero con más de 18 años de experiencia en planificación, control y gestión de proyectos civiles. Con la misión de contribuir a la conclusión física-financiera y exitosa de los proyectos que me sean impuestos, bajo las capacidades, habilidades y destrezas que forman parte de mi pericia, tomando en cuenta el aseguramiento continuo de la calidad, la seguridad, y la conservación del medio ambiente, según la normativa vigente, procurando siempre la satisfacción del cliente, a fin de apoyar la continuidad operacional y generación de valor de las empresas.

Area/e di lavoro
International Organization
Non-government Organization
Private Sector
Public sector
Stato di occupazione
Campo(i) di competenza
Information Technology Services
Real Estate and Construction
Diaspora in Humanitarian Assistance
Emergency Response
Investing your Skills