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Current Position
Manager (e.g. directors, senior officials)
A viaggiare all'interno del mio paese di residenza
A viaggiare all'estero
A lavorare a distanza
Sono disponibile per il seguente tipo di incarico/i
A lungo termine (più di un mese)
Titolo professionale nell’impiego attuale
Executive Director
Comunità di origine per cui lavori, che rappresenti o di cui fai parte
Attività e servizi principali
Voluntary Return and Repatriation of Migrants
Migrants Children, Education and HIV/AIDS
Migrants Rights advocacy
Anti-Human Trafficking
Descrizione dell'organizzazione

International Association for Migrant Support (IAMS) was established in August 2019. It was registered with the Government of the Republic of South Africa on 6th November 2019 through the Department of Social Development (NPO 238-261). The organization is based in Cape Town, South Africa. Its main focus is on the following thematic areas:- 1) Advocacy for Migrants’ Rights; 2) Facilitation of Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Migrants; 3) Human Rights Awareness and Empowerment; 4) Fighting Against Human Trafficking; 5) Fighting Against Women and Children Abuse.
IAMS is a member of The Regional Inter-agency Task Team on Children and AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa (RIATT-ESA). Through this network, IAMS and other member organisations work together to influence global, regional and national policy formulation and implementation for children and their families affected by HIV and AIDS, including migrants. IAMS is also a member of the “C19 People’s Coalition”. The coalition is committed to ensuring that the South African response to the COVID-19 virus is effective, just, equitable, and meets the needs of the most marginal in the society. IAMS subscribes to these efforts and participates in its plan of action.
IAMS has been and continues to be instrumental in assisting migrants in various locations in Cape Town during the lockdown period. With support from Courage Initiative, IAMS has supported more than 500 households (including migrants and South African citizens) with food parcels and meals through its initiative called “Assisting Communities Together - ACT”. These are vulnerable households that were affected by the impact of COVID-19 in 2020. IAMS is in partnership with Noluthando Child Care Centre and together they provide meals to more than 300 people (migrants and citizens, including children) each week in a location called Imizamo Yethu in Hout Bay, Cape Town. This initiative is being supported by Ladles of Love.
IAMS has also linked more than twenty people to other groups of people, organisations and institutions for assistance in several areas ranging from legal, counseling and labor issues. IAMS has offered advice and counseling to several migrants regarding family in collaboration with Hout Bay Assembly. In addition to this, five vulnerable migrants have received financial support from Hout Bay Assembly through IAMS. This money was used for transportation to Malawi and food while in transit. These returnees voluntarily decided to return back home mainly to seek proper medical attention because they were sick.
IAMS has also created working relationships with different community leadership networks and migrant burial societies which are in direct contact with migrants. These societies also assist migrants to voluntarily return home primarily based on health reasons or death.

Nome della persona di contatto
Lusayo Efraim Mwanganya
Titolo della persona di contatto
Executive Director
E-mail della persona di contatto