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Veronica Uribe-Kessler

Young diaspora leaders impacting the world today! 

Meet 10 Young Diaspora Leaders who are impacting their communities with unique projects  Young diaspora leaders impacting the world today! 
Veronica Uribe-Kessler

Sharing Best Practices for Diaspora Engagement at the UNGA77 Side Event

Panelists highlighted the significance of diaspora contributions and dynamic responses to humanitarianism, development, and peace.
Veronica Uribe-Kessler

Georgina Kwakye: Connecting Diaspora

Story originally published by Connecting - IOM Netherlands. Georgina Kwakye is a former TV presenter and actress, who now works as a communications specialist and trainer. She has been a valuable partner in the CD4D project since 2017. Since 2020, she has been involved in the CD4D Ambassador campaign, which aims to make diaspora engagement more visible in the Netherlands. This…
Veronica Uribe-Kessler

My Journey: from rural Colombia to the United States

Today, March 8, the world celebrates International Women's Day, and I pause to think about my journey as a woman and a member of the Colombian diaspora. I grew up in a rural area in the southwest of Colombia, without any access to technology or books. I also realized that my circumstances would not limit my dreams or my achievements. With only two encyclopedias, I made my way through school as…
Veronica Uribe-Kessler

Mi Viaje: desde zona rural de Colombia a Estados Unidos

Hoy, 8 de marzo, día en el que el mundo celebra el día internacional de la mujer, me detengo a pensar en mi camino como mujer y miembro de la Diapora Colombiana. Crecí en una zona rural en el suroeste de Colombia, sin acceso a la tecnología ni a libros. Pero también me di cuenta de que mis circunstancias no limitarán ni mis sueños ni mis logros. Con sólo dos enciclopedias, me abrí paso en la…