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mariama Fofanah

Schede primarie

Digital Skills
Computer literacy: N/D
Titolo di studio
Laurea Magistrale
Sono interessato/a a essere coinvolto in iniziative, attività e progetti
A viaggiare all'interno del mio paese di residenza
A viaggiare all'estero
A lavorare a distanza
Sono disponibile per il seguente tipo di incarico/i
A breve termine (pochi giorni)
A medio termine (alcune settimane)

I'm a Young Sierra Leonean who spent the majority of her life in England after fleeing a civil War in Freetown Sierra Leone, 20 years ago. I studied international relations with the hopes to understand how the world works and how action can be taken to prevent war, poverty, famine.... but after 4 years I discovered the world is a complex place.. we all want the same thing yet greed and corruption get in the way.

I didn't end up working for an NGO instead I worked for the private sector marketing tech products which some have argued has separated us even more. But like many Covid was my awakening and in the middle of a pandemic, I decided to move to Sierra LLeone for 6 months. Initially, it was for a mental health break, but the experience changed my life and now I don't want to understand why there is conflict in the world, but to share my personal experience as a refugee and amplify the marginalised voices.