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Richard Tandoh

Schede primarie

Current Position
Professional (e.g. doctors, nurses, teachers, accountants)
Sono interessato/a a essere coinvolto in iniziative, attività e progetti
Sono disponibile per il seguente tipo di incarico/i
A breve termine (pochi giorni)
A medio termine (alcune settimane)
A lungo termine (più di un mese)
Titolo professionale nell’impiego attuale

Richard Tandoh was most recently an Investment Associate at the Global Innovation Fund (, a social-first investment vehicle whose mission is to find, back, and scale-up innovations that have the potential to measurably improve the lives of people living on $5 a day or less in the developing world. His focus sectors were tech, education and SME growth services and his focus geography was Africa, specifically Ghana, South Africa, Uganda and Kenya. His side-passion is Star 100 (, a Ghana-focused professional diaspora network, which has been in existence for over 15 years. With a background in business technology, Richard has also advised a range of blue-chip companies including Barclays, Tesco and BP on digital transformation initiatives. Richard holds a BSc (Hons) in Economics and Geography from the University of London, a Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge and a Certificate in Education from the University of London.

Area/e di lavoro
Private Sector
Public sector
Stato di occupazione
Campo(i) di competenza
Information Technology Services
Diaspora and Social Change
Diaspora in Humanitarian Assistance
Investing your Skills
Diaspora Capital and Development
Diaspora and Humanitarian Support
Innovating Diaspora Communications and Culture
Developing Diaspora Capacities
Developing Diaspora Engagement
Entrepreneurship by Diaspora for Development
Organization/Company Name
Star 100