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Mirwais Safi

Schede primarie

Job seeker status
Open to new opportunities
Titolo di studio (risposte multiple)
Bachelor’s or equivalent level
Personal Skills
Public speaking: can articulate complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.
Language Abilities
Mother tongue
Mother tongue
Mother tongue
Mother tongue
Mother tongue
Digital Skills
Computer literacy: Advance
Programming, Web and App Development: N/D
Digital Design and Data Visualization: Beginner
Digital Marketing and Social Media: Medium
Data Science and Data Analytics: N/D
Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning: N/D
Blockchain: Medium
Construction: 0-1
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles: 1-5
Information and communication: 1-5
Administrative and support service activities: 5-10
Education: 5-10
Human health and social work activities: More than 10
Arts, entertainment and recreation: 0-1
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use: 0-1
Current Position
Professional (e.g. doctors, nurses, teachers, accountants)
Thematic Expertise
Titolo di studio
Laurea Triennale
Sono interessato/a a essere coinvolto in iniziative, attività e progetti
A viaggiare all'interno del mio paese di residenza
A viaggiare all'estero
A lavorare a distanza
Sono disponibile per il seguente tipo di incarico/i
A breve termine (pochi giorni)
A medio termine (alcune settimane)
A lungo termine (più di un mese)
Se sei interessato/a a partecipare, spiega brevemente la tua motivazione
I want to help people like me who have experienced the challenges of migration. As someone who was once a refugee, I understand firsthand the struggles and uncertainties that migrants face. That's why I'm passionate about advocating for their rights and well-being.
Being part of IOM gives me the chance to contribute to important projects that address issues like refugee resettlement and human trafficking. I believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of migrants and their communities.
With my background in Political Science and my ability to speak multiple languages, I feel well-equipped to support IOM's mission. I'm eager to use my skills in research and community engagement to help improve the lives of migrants around the world.

In short, my motivation for joining IOM is driven by a desire to make the world a better place for migrants, and I'm excited about the opportunity to be part of such meaningful work.

Passionate advocate for migrant and human rights, dedicated to advancing the mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). As a refugee myself, I bring a deeply personal understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with migration, along with a commitment to promoting the well-being and dignity of migrants worldwide.

With a background in Political Science and fluency in English, Dutch, French, Pashto, Dari and Urdu, I have cultivated a comprehensive understanding of international migration dynamics. My journey as a refugee has fueled my passion for advocating for the rights and protection of vulnerable migrants, inspiring me to pursue opportunities to make a positive impact in the field of migration.

Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have had the privilege of working closely with migrant communities, refugees, and asylum seekers, providing direct assistance, advocacy, and support services. Whether facilitating refugee resettlement programs, conducting outreach and education initiatives, or advocating for policy reforms to protect migrant rights, I have consistently prioritized the needs and voices of those most affected by migration.

Driven by the vision of a world where migration is safe, orderly, and dignified, I am deeply committed to contributing to IOM's mission of promoting humane and sustainable migration solutions. I am particularly passionate about addressing the root causes of migration, combating human trafficking and exploitation, and ensuring the social and economic integration of migrants into host communities.

As a firm believer in the power of collaboration and empathy, I am eager to leverage my personal experience, skills, knowledge, and experiences to support IOM's efforts in protecting vulnerable migrants, facilitating voluntary returns and reintegration, and fostering inclusive societies that embrace diversity and promote social cohesion.

I am excited about the opportunity to join a dynamic and dedicated team of professionals at IOM and to work together towards achieving our shared goals of building a more just, equitable, and compassionate world for all.