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Hawa Farah

Schede primarie

Job seeker status
Actively seeking new opportunities
Personal Skills
Strategic thinking and vision: works strategically to realize the Organization’s goals and communicates a clear strategic direction.
Agriculture, forestry: 0-1
Fisheries: 0-1
Mining and quarrying: 0-1
Manufacturing: 0-1
Electricity; gas, steam and air conditioning supply: 0-1
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities: 5-10
Construction: 0-1
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles: 1-5
Transportation and storage: 0-1
Accommodation and food service activities: 0-1
Information and communication: 5-10
Financial and insurance activities: 1-5
Professional, scientific and technical activities: More than 10
Administrative and support service activities: More than 10
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security: More than 10
Education: 5-10
Human health and social work activities: More than 10
Arts, entertainment and recreation: 1-5
Other service activities: More than 10
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use: 1-5
Current Position
Manager (e.g. directors, senior officials)
Thematic Expertise
Sono interessato/a a essere coinvolto in iniziative, attività e progetti
A viaggiare all'interno del mio paese di residenza
A viaggiare all'estero
A lavorare a distanza
Sono disponibile per il seguente tipo di incarico/i
A breve termine (pochi giorni)
A medio termine (alcune settimane)
A lungo termine (più di un mese)
Se sei interessato/a a partecipare, spiega brevemente la tua motivazione
By participating in Diaspora programs, I believe will have the opportunity to reconnect with my roots, immerse myself in my cultural heritage, and gain a deeper understanding of my ancestry. Embracing my cultural identity can bring a sense of belonging and pride. Also, engaging in Diaspora programs allows me to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. These connections can lead to lasting friendships, valuable collaborations, and a broader global network that spans across continents.
Titolo professionale nell’impiego attuale
Comunità di origine per cui lavori, che rappresenti o di cui fai parte
Descrizione dell'organizzazione

Somali Danish Women in Action, abbreviated as SDWA, is a voluntary Diaspora women led organization that is non-profit making, non-governmental and non-partisan with no religious or political affiliation. The establishment of the organization was a result after a group of Somali-Danish women, based in Denmark, held an assembly meeting on the drought crisis that hit most of the regions in Somalia and affected nearly 2.5 million people who were at risk of starvation at that time. The group of Diaspora women who were humanitarian pioneers led by Hawa Abdirashid organized the assembly meeting to discuss the establishment of a women-led Diaspora organization on the 4th of November 2021 in Nyborg, Denmark. As a result of the discussions during the assembly meeting, SDWA was founded to respond to the need for humanitarian aid, gender violence, and gender inequalities in Somalia. The primary purpose is to support women, youth, and children in Somalia’s communities by providing both relief and gender-mainstreamed developmental programs through educational capacity building, peacebuilding, and conflict resolution.

SDWA is headquartered in Nyborg, Denmark, and its registered with the Federal Government of Somalia as an international organization. SDWA has local NGO partners in Somalia’s different federal states of Puntland, Jubaland, Galmudug, Hir-shabeele, and the Banaadir region. Legally, the organization is also registered at the NGO or business registration authority in Denmark under CVR No. 44351196 as a humanitarian Diaspora women led entity. The decades-old conflicts in Somalia and insecurity complemented by natural disasters such as droughts, cyclones, and floods have made Somalia a volatile humanitarian crisis and a difficult place to live. The country has one of the largest internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the world in which women constitute 60% of the displaced population. In Somalia, women and girls are among the most underprivileged people and their life remains challenging in the country that ranks fourth lowest for gender equality globally, and maternal and infant mortality rates are some of the highest in the world.

The expertise of the Somali Diaspora on these problems cannot be underestimated, and their experience can be utilized to start the much-needed peacebuilding, women and youth empowerment, promotion of human rights and gender equality, advocacy, protection, and humanitarian endeavors. Thus, SDWA being an organization led by Somali- Danish women with sound educational backgrounds and experience is potentially vital for the donors’ engagement as a development partner for the country of origin, Somalia, in terms of reaching the vulnerable and marginalized groups among the Somali community, particularly women and youth.

Nome della persona di contatto
Hawo Farah
Titolo della persona di contatto
Chair Person
E-mail della persona di contatto