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Ресурсы Iдиаспоры

Displaying 21 - 30 of 55
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Contribuciones y contabilización: Guía para medir el impacto económico de las diáspora más allá de las remesas

La Guía Contribuciones y Contabilización proporciona orientación para los gobiernos y las autoridades nacionales que buscan comprender y medir las contribuciones económicas realizadas por las diásporas a su país de origen, más allá de las contribuciones que hacen a través de las remesas financieras. Estas contribuciones económicas incluyen inversión, comercio, turismo y filantropía.

Contributions and Counting: Guidance on Measuring the Economic Impact of your Diaspora beyond Remittances

Contributions and Counting: Guidance on Measuring the Economic Impact of your Diaspora beyond Remittances provides guidance for governments and national authorities looking to understand and measure the economic contributions made by their diaspora to their country of origin – that is, contributions beyond financial remittances. These economic contributions include investment, trade, tourism and philanthropy.
Iman Berry

Canadian Orientation Abroad Participant Workbook

For more information about the programme, please visit the COA web page. The Canadian Orientation Abroad (COA) programme is a global initiative funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and implemented worldwide by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in about 60 locations annually.

Comment les intégrer les diasporas aux réponses à la pandémie?

Compte-rendu visuel de l'échange global et virtuel de la diaspora sur la réponse au COVID-19 organisé par l'OIM le 20 mai 2020.

COVID19: Guide to Include Marginalized and Vulnerable People in Risk Communication and Community Engagement

This guide seeks to address the following questions:

COVID-19 Guidance for Employers and Labour Recruiters

As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to spread, with more than one million confirmed cases globally, businesses and employers – alongside governments and other stakeholders – have a vital role to play in safeguarding the rights and wellbeing of the estimated 164 million international migrant workers and their communities around the world.

How can diasporas be better integrated in the response to COVID19?

Summary of the best practices discussed at the Global Diaspora Virtual Exchange.

IOM Diaspora Quick-Start Guide

If you are a member of a diaspora community and you want to engage with the development of your country of origin this one pager will guide you through six steps to get your started as a transnational development actor. This Quick Start Guide is based on the International Organization for Migration's extensive experience supporting diaspora enagagment around the world from facilitating knowledge transfer to lowering remittance costs and promoting trade and investment.

Doing Business- Practical Guide for migrant entrepreneurs

The handbook “Doing Business- Practical Guide for migrant entrepreneurs”, is a guide thought as a tool to offer basic principles to those who want to set up a business, in Italy or in their countries of origin. The handbook is the result of IOM activities in support of migrant entrepreneurship which aim at enhancing the benefits arising from the circulation of people and knowledge. 

Business Model Generation

You’re holding a handbook for visionaries, game changers,  and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models  and design tomorrow’s enterprises. It’s a book for the . . . Business Model Generation. Written by Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur. Co-created by an amazing crowd of 470 practitioners from 45 countries. Designed by Alan Smith, The Movement.