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Risorse Idiaspora

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Adrien Perrotton

USAID/OFDA Shelter and Settlements Training Course

This course introduces the basics of humanitarian community shelter and settlements (S&S) activities, including some history and trends related to the sector, best practices in assessments and programming strategy, basic shelter responses, the relationship between shelter and its context (settlements), and how to promote the recovery of affected settlements.
Adrien Perrotton

1. Global Shelter Cluster – Free online shelter training:

This course describes the basics of why shelter programming is an important component of humanitarian response both in natural disasters and conflict. It outlines the challenges that affected families face, and describes the essential elements of how humanitarians can complement the shelter activities of affected families. This online training conveys the essential concepts used by shelter experts to adequately shelter vulnerable families. It is a self-directed e-learning course, which takes 90 minutes to complete and is free for anyone to take.
Adrien Perrotton

Global Disaster Preparedness Center – Shelter Resources:

The Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) was established by the American Red Cross and the International Federation Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and serves as a reference center to support innovation and learning in disaster preparedness. The GDPC provides services in three main areas – Knowledge Management, Research, and Technical Assistance – in order to build national and community level preparedness.
Adrien Perrotton

Global Shelter Cluster – Shelter Videos

The Global Shelter Cluster (GSC) is an Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) coordination mechanism that supports people affected by natural disasters and internally displaced people affected by conflict with the means to live in safe, dignified and appropriate shelter. The GSC enables better coordination among all shelter actors, including local and national governments, so that people who need shelter assistance get help faster and receive the right kind of support.
Adrien Perrotton

Intro to Finding Grants for Diaspora Organizations

Are you new to seeking grants from foundations? Or maybe you are looking for a refresher on grantseeking? In this session, we will share the 10 most important things you need to know about finding grants, including:
Adrien Perrotton

Beyond Silicon Valley: How One Online Course Helped Support Global Entrepreneurs

Beyond Silicon Valley captures Goldberg’s own entrepreneurial journey as he experiments with the potential of the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) to achieve its fundamental goal of education for all.
Adrien Perrotton

Send Money and invest in Kenya : a guide for remittances and investments

This booklet provides key information on different channels of Diaspora remittances including the players in this crucial financial sector. Carefully research, focus interviews with Diaspora officials and other stakeholders were undertaken to collate and put together the booklet - the first of its kind in the country.

Global Diaspora Strategies Toolkit

Ironically, with more and more people livingand working further and further from theirplace of birth the world is growing smallerand the sense of need for connecting andattaching to their native homelands increases.These bonds of ethnicity represent greatplatforms for increasing the influence ofcountries abroad and for developing supportfrom their successful expatriates. The potentialfor these flows of influence, information andincome are staggering.
iDiaspora Volunteer

Handbook to develop projects on remittances: Good practices to maximize the impact of remittances on development

The purpose of this handbook was to present a document designed to serve as a guide for people working to promote and strengthen the positive impact of the link between remittances, migration and development. The handbook also promotes the creation of partnerships between members of the diaspora, government stakeholders acting in the area of remittances and development, the private sector, and development organizations in civil society, including NGOs, academic institutions and foundations. In particular, the handbook was created to achieve four objectives:
iDiaspora Volunteer

Developing a Road Map for Engaging Diasporas in Development: A Handbook for Policymakers and Practitioners in Home and Host Countries

Governments at both ends of the migration cycle increasingly recognize the value of diasporas’ spontaneous engagements with their countries of origin and are seeking ways to cooperate with them. Beyond the remittances they send back to their homelands (more than USD 400 billion in 2010), diasporas are major direct investors in critical and emerging industries, known patrons of nascent tourism initiatives, and generous philanthropists.