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Ressources D'idiaspora

Displaying 21 - 30 of 38
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Empoderar a las Diásporas Globales en la Era Digital

Las diásporas son actores con capacidad de crear conexiones e iniciativas transnacionales para apoyar a sus comunidades tanto en los países de origen como en los de residencia. La tecnología constituye una valiosa herramienta para impulsar estos esfuerzos de la diáspora y así aprovechar el potencial del espacio y la colaboración digitales.

Empowering Global Diasporas in the Digital Era

Diasporas are agents with the capacity to create transnational connections and initiatives to support their communities both in their countries of origin and in their countries of residence. Technology provides an invaluable tool to galvanize these diasporic efforts to tap into the unlimited potential of the digital space and collaboration.

Respuestas de las diásporas de todo el mundo frente a la crisis de la COVID-19: Las mejores prácticas desde el terreno

Este informe reúne las mejores prácticas aplicadas por las diásporas en respuesta a la crisis de COVID-19 en las regiones de África, América, Asia y Europa. iDiaspora pudo recopilar esta información mediante tres Intercambios Virtuales organizados por la organización durante los cuales las diásporas de todo el mundo pudieron compartir sus mejores prácticas en respuesta a la pandemia.

Les diasporas globales réagissent à la crise COVID-19 : Les meilleures pratiques du domaine

Ce rapport rassemble les meilleures pratiques mises en oeuvre par les diasporas face à la crise COVID-19 dans les régions africaine, américaine, asiatique et européenne.  iDiaspora a pu recueillir ces informations lors de trois Échanges Virtuels organisés par l'organisation et pendant lesquels les diasporas du monde entier ont pu partager leurs meilleures pratiques en réponse à la pandémie.

Global Diasporas reacting to the COVID-19 crisis. Best Practices from the Field

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, iDiaspora organized three Global Diaspora Virtual Exchanges to create a collaborative space where diaspora groups from around the world could share their best practices responding to the pandemic. Through these events, diasporas were able to showcase their work and enhance synergies with policymakers, practitioners and stakeholders responding to the pandemic.
K Akao

Sierra Leone Diaspora Online Training Activity Final Report

IOM Sierra Leone cordinated Diaspora professors to provide lecture to Sierra Leone university. Many Diaspora professors/ lecturers are not able to come back home country due to working condition in destinated country. So, IOM organized E-learning platform and link Diaspora lecturer to home country. 
K Akao

Sierra Leone Diaspora Medical Mission Final Report

IOM Sierra Leone organized Diaspora medical mission to rural districts of Sierra Leone, Kailahun and Koinadugu. This time, IOM dispatched several medical experts, surgical doctors, obstetrician, dentist, dermatology doctor and experienced nurse. This mission contributed more than 450 outpatients, 129 surgical patients and 125 dental patients. 
K Akao

Sierra Leone Diaspora Agribusiness Investment Forum Final Report

IOM Sierra Leone opened Diaspora Investment Forum, with Japanese Trade Organization (JETRO) and several Diaspora organizations. IOM invited 12 Diaspora investors, also JETRO invited 11 FDI to Sierra Leone and consider how to encourage Diaspora for country investment. 
System Admin

QUESTS-MIDA (Qualified Expatriate Somali Technical Support)

QUESTS-MIDA is a joint project between UNDP and IOM that uses skills and expertise from qualified Somali expatriates from the diaspora and provides opportunities for applying those skills for the benefit and development of Somalia.
System Admin

The MIDA Ghana Health project

Maximizing the positive relationship between migration and development has long been a focus of the work of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This is especially relevant in an era of globalization and unprecedented mobility. The objective of IOM’s migration and development programme is to contribute to the work of the international community, in particular to harness the development potential of the diaspora for the benefit of their native country and to contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction.