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Iman Berry

Migration Governance Indicators Profile 2022 | Republic of Suriname

This Migration Governa
Iman Berry

Migration Governance Indicators Second Profile 2022 | Republic of the Philippines

This Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs) profile presents a summary of well-developed areas of migration governance in the Philippines as well as areas with potential for further development, as assessed through the MGIs. The MGIs are a standard set of approximately 90 indicators to assist countries in assessing their migration policies and advance the conversation on what well-governed migration might look like in practice.
Daphne Henning

Shelter and Settlements Training for Diasporas - Training Package, Facilitator's Guide

A joint training package geared towards diaspora professionals in order to increase technical knowledge and capacities on safer shelter and settlements has been co-developed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Habitat for Humanity, and the Global Shelter Cluster.
Veronica Uribe-Kessler

Repository of Promising Practices in Engaging South American Diasporas

Countries in South America have a long history of engagement with their nationals abroad. This repository seeks to compile and categorize some of the most promising practices developed during this history to facilitate exchange and cooperation among actors in the region.
Veronica Uribe-Kessler

iDiaspora Newsletter - Issue 2 - December 2022

The Diaspora Team at the IOM HQ is pleased to present the second issue of the Global Diaspora Newsletter. Diasporas have invaluable economic, cultural, human, and social capital for societies. Governments, organizations, and partners across the world have recognized their potential as development actors in multiple initiatives. This newsletter seeks to highlight major diaspora stories, successes, events, resources, and more that are relevant to both diasporas themselves and their supporters. 
Veronica Uribe-Kessler


IOM’s Diaspora Engagement team  published its sixth biannual newsletter Learn about the diaspora engagements within IOM’s projects and get some interesting diaspora insights.  This edition also includes some interesting reads on skills mobility and the role of diaspora in humanitarian response.  IOM thanks the interesting voices who are featured in this edition: Eugène Désiré Nzengou, Kriticos M., Hanan Challouki, Mariam Harutyunyan among others In the newsletter, there is a thorough list of events for diaspora and podcasts.
Veronica Uribe-Kessler

Empowering the South American Diaspora as Agents for Sustainable Development - A Regional Assessment Study

The Regional Assessment report highlights how diasporas from South America are contributing to the development of their countries of origin, and how these countries can work with diaspora communities to maximize their impact. This multilevel study gathered primary data from six countries using a common participatory methodology and tools, which included more than 120 interviews and several focus groups with representatives from the government, civil society, and diaspora communities in each country.
Veronica Uribe-Kessler

IOM United States - Diaspora Engagement Unit Newsletter

The IOM Diaspora Engagement Unit presents the third quaterly newsletter 2022. Find updates, events, and free resources. 
Veronica Uribe-Kessler


COLEACP and The FoodBridge vzw, a non-profit organisation, have produced a Compendium showcasing the innovative businesses of nine African Diaspora agrofood entrepreneurs.
Veronica Uribe-Kessler

MENA Diaspora Newsletter - First Edition

The LMI Unit of the Regional Office for MENA is pleased to share with the global community the first issue of the MENA Diaspora Newsletter.  This newsletter aims to share information about interesting diaspora-related projects, stories, events, organisations working in the MENA region with governments, donors and the diaspora communities from MENA, also giving diaspora organizations a space and voice to speak about their engagement and their expectations.