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International Conference: Future Agenda of Action for Global Diaspora Engagement

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International Organization for Migration and the Government of Cabo Verde

In 2022, against the backdrop of the upcoming International Migration Forum Review (IMRF) organized in the framework of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) partnered with the Government of Ireland and key participating states to co-host the inaugural Global Diaspora Summit (GDS). This summit, marking a significant milestone in diaspora engagement, culminated in the adoption of the Dublin Declaration, a comprehensive plan of action aiming to institutionalize and operationalize diaspora capitals across policies, programs, and partnerships within a coherent framework.  

The Dublin Declaration, prepared through an inclusive and consultative process, outlines a clear and forward-thinking strategy to support the strategic engagement of diaspora organizations, emphasizing their crucial role in sustainable development. A key recommendation that emerged was to establish a Global Diaspora Policy Alliance (GDPA) as a platform to cultivate an inclusive ecosystem of collaboration across governments and stakeholders, empowering diasporas to contribute fully to sustainable development. 

In 2023, IOM and its partners facilitated a series of multistakeholder consultations to discuss the establishment of the GDPA. These consultations, spanning from May to September 2023, involved diaspora groups, member states, the private sector, youth, and academia. A total of 250 stakeholders from around the world actively participated in this inclusive process, providing valuable feedback on the objectives, scope, and global reach of the Alliance. 

The GDPA through its dedicated Technical Working Groups, focusing on Gender and Youth, Climate Action, and Health and Well-being, aims to serve as a networked tool for facilitating concrete solutions for the empowerment of diasporas around the world. It will complement existing platforms, including those at regional and continental levels, and prioritize diaspora engagement in global development policy frameworks, accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The International Conference on the Future Agenda of Action for Global Diaspora Engagement is to bring together the supporters of the Dublin Declaration to glean insights from leading-edge practices in diaspora engagement. Additionally, the conference seeks to inaugurate the Global Diaspora Policy Alliance. This alliance is envisioned as a pivotal foundation for crafting the future roadmap of global diaspora engagement initiatives. 

Topic / Panel Areas
  • Showcase the lessons learnt and good practices from Cabo Verde and other relevant stakeholders in terms of diaspora engagement in different sectors.
  • Formalize the creation and operationalization of the GDPA, to be officially launched during the Ministerial portion of the event, building upon the momentum generated by the Dublin Declaration and subsequent consultations.
  • Facilitate active participation and collaboration among a broader number of governments, diaspora organizations, the private sector, academia, and youth. 
  • Facilitate discussions aimed at forging partnerships with specialized private sector allies and leveraging diaspora support to enhance and maximize solutions for establishing regular migration pathways and promoting sustainable development.
  • Prioritize diaspora engagement in thematic areas crucial for sustainable development, including Gender and Youth, Climate Action, and Health and Well-being. Through dedicated Technical Working Groups, provide platforms for diaspora members to contribute expertise, innovative solutions, and resources towards achieving the SDGs.
  • Encourage Member States to strengthen their engagement with diaspora communities by inviting diaspora representatives to participate in decision-making processes, fostering horizontal alliances, and showcasing diaspora expertise on international platforms. 
Target Audience

The International Conference will welcome the esteemed supporters of the Dublin Declaration: African Union, Armenia, Bangladesh, Cabo Verde, Colombia, Egypt, El Salvador, Fiji, France, Georgia, Germany, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Mozambique, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Türkiye, and Uruguay.  

Furthermore, additional invitations will be extended to the following countries upon request of the host country: Angola, Brazil, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, São Tome and Principe, Timor-Leste, Morocco, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Seychelles, South Sudan, Togo, and Zimbabwe. These countries will be invited as observers and will have the opportunity to join the Global Diaspora Policy Alliance. 

Participating countries will be asked to designate delegates with the following profile: a ministerial level decision-maker, a technical official well-versed in the country’s diaspora engagement work and priorities, and a representative of their national diaspora. Certain sessions will be open to the participation of other stakeholders, identified in coordination with the hosts, as outlined in the section below.