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13th Diaspora Development Dialogue

Event date with timezone
- Europe/Brussels
Type of Event

1. Presentation of the DDDs 

The Diaspora Development Dialogue (DDD) is ADEPT’s flagship event. It aims to facilitate effective dialogue on the African diaspora’s contribution to Africa’s development, partnerships between African Diaspora Development Organisations (ADDOs) and various types of actors as well as face-to-face networking.

Organised in seven European and three African cities so far, the DDDs consist of three combined components, namely development dialogue between ADDOs and development actors professional trainings of ADDOs as well as networking facilitation for collaborative action and improved development impact. 

On 24 and 25 November 2021, ADEPT will organise its first ever virtual edition. 

2. Context and objectives of the 13th Diaspora Development Dialogue (DDD13) 

During the 13th Diaspora Development Dialogue, variations on the same theme – partnerships – will be offered to allow the audience to better tap into partnerships’ high potential for impact. This space for dialogue bringing together recipient countries representatives, diaspora organisations, multilateral and bilateral institutions, other civil society organisations, the private sector, and foundations will give participants the opportunity to share their views, collectively reflect on partnerships, and to propose innovative thinking and doing in this regard. 


– To offer a space for dialogue on African diaspora organisations and individuals’ inclusion into partnerships for development. 

– To provide insights into common and overlooked challenges to the effectiveness of partnerships for development, into their added value and the opportunities they offer. 

– To draw key lessons and identify good practices enabling African diaspora organisations and individuals as well as other development actors to overcome the identified challenges and harness opportunities stemming from partnerships. 


3. Agenda 

Wednesday 24 November 

The first day of the DDD will be articulated around two panel discussions on multistakeholder partnerships in Africa and arrangements between the African diaspora and philanthropies respectively, a presentation of the MODAL project implemented by ADEPT in partnership with GIZ and a first peer 2 peer learning session on partnerships.

Opening session (30mn) – 10.15am-10.30am CET

The official launch of the 13th Diaspora Development Dialogue. In a short speech, the President of Africa-Europe Diaspora Development, ADEPT, will outline the overall ambitions of the organisation and the outcomes to be expected from this edition dedicated to partnerships. Finally, ADEPT’s executive director will set the scene for the event.


Presentation of videos from ADEPT’s 2021 Multimedia Campaign on partnerships and  Interventions from the project MODAL (« Mobilisation of Diaspora Organisations and Local Associations for Development ») – 10.30am-11am CET 


1st panel: “Multistakeholder partnerships on the ground: how to make them work for diaspora organisations?” (1h15) – 11.15am-12.30pm CET

The discussion will revolve around the following questions :

– Why should African diaspora organisations be integrated into multistakeholder partnerships aiming at the development of Africa?

– What are the main obstacles to proper inclusion of African diaspora organisations into multistakeholder partnerships in Africa? How can these obstacles be overcome?

– What are the key ingredients for successful multistakeholder partnerships involving African diaspora organisations?

– What steps must be taken by African diaspora organisations and other development actors to ensure the mainstreaming of the former in such partnerships?

Panellists : 

Mr. Mame Omar Mane, Mayor of Rufisque Nord (Senegal) 

Mr. Amadou Bocar Sam, President of CASC (Coordination des Associations Sénégalaises de la Catalogne) 

Mr. Julian Tangermann, Project Manager, Programme Migration and Diaspora, GIZ 

Ms.Claire Neuschwander, Expert on Migration and Development, RMDA 

Moderator :  

Mr. Paul Asquith, Research and Advocacy Manager, Shabaka 


2nd panel: “Joining forces with philanthropic foundations” 1h15 – 1.30pm-2.45pm CET

The discussion will revolve around the following questions :

– What are African diaspora organisations and philanthropic foundations’ expectations towards one another? How to ensure expectations alignment and avoid expectations gap?

– In which sectors are such collaborations and partnerships the most relevant and effective and why? What are the key elements for increased effectiveness?

– What are the stumbling blocks to developing partnerships between African diaspora organisations and philanthropic foundations and maximizing current ones? How to ensure complementarity and synergies between both?

– What key lessons and good practices have been identified for successful arrangements between both types of actors.

Panellists :  

Ms. Naana Otoo-Oyortey, Executive Director, FORWARD UK  

Ms. Leah Kibe, Director for Co-funding and Partnerships, Children Investment Fund’s Foundation. 

Ms. Kundai Ziumbe, Manager for Strategic Partnerships and Communications, Higherlife Foundation  

Ms. Karen Wong, Director of Operations, Impact 17  

Moderator :  

Ms. Paddy Siyanga-Knudsen, Vice president of the Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism. 


P2P exchanges 1 – « Which partnerships with national and local authorities in Africa ? » 3pm-4.15pm CET

Peer-to-peer sessions aim at highlighting the experiences or future projects of diaspora organisations, including members of the ADEPT network, in order to value the actions carried out and to inspire other actors, be they from the diaspora or its partners. 

 This session aims to share testimonies on successful partnerships between diaspora organisations and authorities in Africa, whether they are at the level of municipalities, communities or ministries. It will also highlight the prerequisites and different steps which have made these partnerships possible, as well as the reasons that pushed each organisation to start and the road still to go. 

Mike Attah, Representative, CAGEF (Collective of Ghanaian Associations in France) 

Binouri Brice Monnou, President, FECODEV (Femmes et Contributions au Développement) 

Glenda Magloire, Founder and director, CBINN (Community Building International Network –Netherlands) 

Moderator :  

Ms. Christelle Pandanzyla, Communication specialist 


Thursday 25 November 

The second and last day of the DDD will be articulated around a panel discussion on public-private partnerships, a second peer-to-peer learning session and a networking session.  

3rd panel: “Stepping into public-private partnerships” (1h15) – 10am-11.15am CET 

The discussion will revolve around the following questions :

– What are the enabling and limiting factors to African diaspora organisations’ involvement in public-private partnerships? What are the key factors for success? 

– Besides their role as financial capital provider, what role can the African diaspora play in public-private schemes? 

– Should such arrangements be generalized for Africa’s development? If so, why and how? 

– How to ensure level playing field – in terms of power notably – between the different partners in public-private partnerships involving African diaspora organisations?  

Panellists : 

Mr. Onyekachi Wambu, Executive Director, AFFORD 

Mr. Lamin Dampha, Former Permanent Secretary of the Trade Ministry and current Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Health Ministry, The Gambia 

Mr. Leon Isaacs, Chief Executive Officer, DMA Global 

Dr. Stephen Gelb, Principal Research Fellow and Lead on Private Sector Development, ODI 

Moderator :  

Ms. Fridah Ntarangwi-Kimathi, Founding and Managing Director, ZidiCircle.  


P2P exchanges 2 – “ International programmes and organisations : partnerships to scale up 11.30am-12.45pm CET

This session offers to look back on the experiences of three organisations that have worked or are currently working with international organisations or programmes (IOM, United Nations, UNICEF, etc.). What are the impacts that these partnerships had on their organisations, be they positive or negative ? What are the different steps to go with this type of partnership ? Which advice would they give, both to diaspora organisations that would like to start up and to international organisations that are looking for diaspora partners in order to ensure a win-win relationship? 

Mr. Abdihakim Burbrushe, Partnership & communication officer, HIRDA 

Mr. Youssouf Diakite, Co-chair, ADYFE 

Mr. Mbemba Jabbi, Executive director, Africa Centre 

Moderator : 

Dr. Jane Ayeko- Kümmeth, Freelance Development consultant & Research scientist 


Closing session –  12:45pm-1:15pm


Networking session –  2:15pm-4:15pm

The Diaspora Development Dialogues is also a time for Diaspora organisations and individuals to meet and get to know each other. In a networking session they can exchange their details.



Wednesday 24 November 

The first day of the DDD will be articulated around two panel discussions on multistakeholder partnerships in Africa and arrangements between the African diaspora and philanthropies respectively, a presentation of the MODAL project implemented by ADEPT in partnership with GIZ and a first peer 2 peer learning session on partnerships.

Opening session (30mn) – 10.15am-10.30am CET

The official launch of the 13th Diaspora Development Dialogue. In a short speech, the President of Africa-Europe Diaspora Development, ADEPT, will outline the overall ambitions of the organisation and the outcomes to be expected from this edition dedicated to partnerships. Finally, ADEPT’s executive director will set the scene for the event.

Presentation of videos from ADEPT’s 2021 Multimedia Campaign on partnerships and  Interventions from the project MODAL (« Mobilisation of Diaspora Organisations and Local Associations for Development ») – 10.30am-11am CET 

1st panel: “Multistakeholder partnerships on the ground: how to make them work for diaspora organisations?” (1h15) – 11.15am-12.30pm CET

The discussion will revolve around the following questions :

– Why should African diaspora organisations be integrated into multistakeholder partnerships aiming at the development of Africa?

– What are the main obstacles to proper inclusion of African diaspora organisations into multistakeholder partnerships in Africa? How can these obstacles be overcome?

– What are the key ingredients for successful multistakeholder partnerships involving African diaspora organisations?

– What steps must be taken by African diaspora organisations and other development actors to ensure the mainstreaming of the former in such partnerships?

Panellists : 

Mr. Mame Omar Mane, Mayor of Rufisque Nord (Senegal) 

Mr. Amadou Bocar Sam, President of CASC (Coordination des Associations Sénégalaises de la Catalogne) 

Mr. Julian Tangermann, Project Manager, Programme Migration and Diaspora, GIZ 

Ms.Claire Neuschwander, Expert on Migration and Development, RMDA 

Moderator :  

Mr. Paul Asquith, Research and Advocacy Manager, Shabaka 

2nd panel: “Joining forces with philanthropic foundations” 1h15 – 1.30pm-2.45pm CET

The discussion will revolve around the following questions :

– What are African diaspora organisations and philanthropic foundations’ expectations towards one another? How to ensure expectations alignment and avoid expectations gap?

– In which sectors are such collaborations and partnerships the most relevant and effective and why? What are the key elements for increased effectiveness?

– What are the stumbling blocks to developing partnerships between African diaspora organisations and philanthropic foundations and maximizing current ones? How to ensure complementarity and synergies between both?

– What key lessons and good practices have been identified for successful arrangements between both types of actors.

Panellists :  

Ms. Naana Otoo-Oyortey, Executive Director, FORWARD UK  

Ms. Leah Kibe, Director for Co-funding and Partnerships, Children Investment Fund’s Foundation. 

Ms. Kundai Ziumbe, Manager for Strategic Partnerships and Communications, Higherlife Foundation  

Ms. Karen Wong, Director of Operations, Impact 17  

Moderator :  

Ms. Paddy Siyanga-Knudsen, Vice president of the Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism. 

P2P exchanges 1 – « Which partnerships with national and local authorities in Africa ? » 3pm-4.15pm CET

Peer-to-peer sessions aim at highlighting the experiences or future projects of diaspora organisations, including members of the ADEPT network, in order to value the actions carried out and to inspire other actors, be they from the diaspora or its partners. 

 This session aims to share testimonies on successful partnerships between diaspora organisations and authorities in Africa, whether they are at the level of municipalities, communities or ministries. It will also highlight the prerequisites and different steps which have made these partnerships possible, as well as the reasons that pushed each organisation to start and the road still to go. 

Mike Attah, Representative, CAGEF (Collective of Ghanaian Associations in France) 

Binouri Brice Monnou, President, FECODEV (Femmes et Contributions au Développement) 

Glenda Magloire, Founder and director, CBINN (Community Building International Network –Netherlands) 

Moderator :  

Ms. Christelle Pandanzyla, Communication specialist 

Thursday 25 November 

The second and last day of the DDD will be articulated around a panel discussion on public-private partnerships, a second peer-to-peer learning session and a networking session.  

3rd panel: “Stepping into public-private partnerships” (1h15) – 10am-11.15am CET 

The discussion will revolve around the following questions :

– What are the enabling and limiting factors to African diaspora organisations’ involvement in public-private partnerships? What are the key factors for success? 

– Besides their role as financial capital provider, what role can the African diaspora play in public-private schemes? 

– Should such arrangements be generalized for Africa’s development? If so, why and how? 

– How to ensure level playing field – in terms of power notably – between the different partners in public-private partnerships involving African diaspora organisations?  

Panellists : 

Mr. Onyekachi Wambu, Executive Director, AFFORD 

Mr. Lamin Dampha, Former Permanent Secretary of the Trade Ministry and current Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Health Ministry, The Gambia 

Mr. Leon Isaacs, Chief Executive Officer, DMA Global 

Dr. Stephen Gelb, Principal Research Fellow and Lead on Private Sector Development, ODI 

Moderator :  

Ms. Fridah Ntarangwi-Kimathi, Founding and Managing Director, ZidiCircle.  

P2P exchanges 2 – “ International programmes and organisations : partnerships to scale up 11.30am-12.45pm CET

This session offers to look back on the experiences of three organisations that have worked or are currently working with international organisations or programmes (IOM, United Nations, UNICEF, etc.). What are the impacts that these partnerships had on their organisations, be they positive or negative ? What are the different steps to go with this type of partnership ? Which advice would they give, both to diaspora organisations that would like to start up and to international organisations that are looking for diaspora partners in order to ensure a win-win relationship? 

Mr. Abdihakim Burbrushe, Partnership & communication officer, HIRDA 

Mr. Youssouf Diakite, Co-chair, ADYFE 

Mr. Mbemba Jabbi, Executive director, Africa Centre 

Moderator : 

Dr. Jane Ayeko- Kümmeth, Freelance Development consultant & Research scientist 

Closing session –  12:45pm-1:15pm

Networking session –  2:15pm-4:15pm

The Diaspora Development Dialogues is also a time for Diaspora organisations and individuals to meet and get to know each other. In a networking session they can exchange their details.