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Hariyani Putri

Sharing with Andi, An Early Child Educator in Norway

In the commemoration of the International Day of Education on the last 24 January 2021, we had the opportunity to connect with Andi, an Indonesian native and an early childhood educator on the northern side of Norway. When his first visit to Norway, he had no plan to reside or work as he just came to meet his friend. Then, he decided to live in Norway afterward. “I attended the Norwegian…
Daphne Henning

Developing a Framework for Diaspora's Engagement in Humanitarian Assistance

Diaspora organizations provide tremendous added value to humanitarian assistance. Historically, diasporas are key contributors to their countries of origin or heritage through remittances and other financial or in-kind contributions, but their involvement in humanitarian efforts mean so much more.

Diaspora unlocked – Knowledge transfers & entrepreneurship

This article was originally published by The Boker Authors: Yannicke Goris, Kiza Magendane, Dorien Deketele, Nina Staal
Ayotunde Razaq

International Migrants Day - 2020

Every migrant carries with them a seed. A seed to plant in some land away from where they were born. A seed to plant and water and groom into a tree that blossoms, gives shade and bears fruit in that land where they have seen fit to settle. The seed grows, the migrant glows, the land prospers. This is the story of the migrant and her/his seed. 270 million people are migrants, who send home an…


Diaspora members, in addition to assistance provided to migrants working abroad, made a significant financial support to hospitals and people in need back home.

Critical next steps to achieving migrant remittances SDG Target 10.C - a conversation with Leon Isaacs

Episode 4 of the Migration & Diaspora Podcast: Critical next steps to achieving migrant remittances SDG Target 10.C - a conversation with Leon Isaacs

"Doing diaspora" - lessons learned from Dr Martin Russell's diaspora engagement work worldwide

Episode 2 of the Migration & Diaspora Podcast: "Doing diaspora" - lessons learned from Dr Martin Russell's diaspora engagement work worldwide 

Impact of Covid-19 on Sudanese Communities in the UK

The Sudanese diaspora are an active community in helping deal with the impact of COVID-19 in different ways. With little robust information on how Sudanese diaspora and generally African diaspora organisations are doing this, there is little coordination between them. We are currently conducting a research on how Sudanese communities are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, as well as…

EU Global Diaspora Facility Diaspora Engagement in Times of Crisis

With the Covid-19 outbreak leading to outstanding human, social and financial contributions from diasporas, their impact on emergency response is frequently underestimated by governments and relief organisations.
Álexandra BONNIE

IOM Survey: COVID impacts on Migrants / Sondeo de la OIM sobre los impactos de COVID sobre los migrantes

(English and French versions below)