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Valorising diaspora competences for homeland development

11 March 2024

Valorising diaspora competences for homeland development

The IOM in joint efforts with UNDP, UNICEF, and WHO implements the Moldova Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund Programme (MMPTF), titled “Leveraging the Positive Impact of Migration on Moldova’s Development through Improved Policy Evidence and better-engaged diaspora”.  

In cooperation with the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD), Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Ministry of Health, and State University of Pharmacy and Medicine, two components were integrated into the BRD-operated Diaspora Engagement Hub, working to promote :  

1. Return and engagement of Moldovan diaspora professionals to assist local institutions in the fields of education, research, development, and health sectors. This project harnesses the expertise and resources of diaspora members and highly skilled returning migrants through temporary or permanent physical and/or virtual returns for the benefit of Moldova's development and EU accession priorities. The selected beneficiaries receive a daily allowance or expertise fees, and coverage for their overseas travel expenses. 

2. Return and reintegration of Moldovan overseas graduates, facilitating their professional placements in Moldova’s labor market sectors that align with the knowledge and skills the graduates have developed overseas. This initiative offers opportunities for returning graduates to join the local workforce, highlighting their expertise, and fostering networking. Selected applicants receive information and logistical support, reimbursement of their international travel expenses, and monthly living allowance for up to six months, as a top-up to their base salaries.  

The IOM provides its assistance for sustainable reintegration pathways to young overseas graduates and skilled professionals who contribute with their competencies and experiences to the EU integration process in key sectors of Moldova's public sector, economy, and society.