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Get to know Diaspora Emergency Action and Coordination

DEMAC is a global initiative aiming to enhance coordination among diaspora organizations involved in humanitarian assistance, and across diaspora organizations and institutional humanitarian actors. Further, DEMAC seeks to increase engagement and visibility for diaspora organizations in the humanitarian system. DEMAC contributes to a deeper understanding of diasporas as humanitarian actors and thus adds to transforming the humanitarian ecosystem.

DEMAC aims at:

  1. Enhancing knowledge between diasporas and humanitarian institutions
  2. Increasing awareness on diasporas’ humanitarian interventions
  3. Improving coordination communication and coherence of humanitarian response
  4. Integrating ‘non-traditional actors’, such as diasporas, into the broader humanitarian system ensures a more relevant, efficient, and sustainable humanitarian response. Considering diasporas’ transnational identity and close local ties, they play a central role in the localization agenda, one of the main commitments under the Grand Bargain. Localization aims to strengthen the resilience of local communities and to support local and national responders on the front line. Diaspora organizations are already following this line; they contribute directly to emergency responses in their home countries, or work closely with local authorities, local organizations, and community groups by providing technical and financial support.