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Nuha Abdalla

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Educational background
Master’s Degree
Je suis intéressé à participer à des initiatives, des activités et des projets
les deux
Voyage à l’intérieur de mon pays de résidence
Voyage à l’étranger
Je suis disponible pour le(s) type(s) d’affectation(s) suivant(s)
Moyen terme (quelques semaines)
Long terme (plus d’un mois)

I have a Master of International Health with extensive hands-on experience in the application of epidemiological methods and I applied them in the fields of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHRs) and especially in mother and child health, and I have the ability to apply them on other areas of health. I have good research skills as I am experienced in the application of quantitative and qualitative methods. I am an independent user of MAXQDA, R, Excel, and SPSS for data entry and analysis.

I worked intensively in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) particularly in Sudan, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. I also have an experience of work in Germany with an impact evaluation firm.

I value diversity. I enhanced my intercultural competencies by working within multicultural environments. My personal mission is to build alliances with like-minded institutions and individuals to support community education and empowerment for disease prevention especially amongst people experiencing difficult living conditions. I value specifically the importance of access of women to affordable health information and services.