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Taïbou SAL

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Je suis intéressé à participer à des initiatives, des activités et des projets
les deux
Voyage à l’intérieur de mon pays de résidence
Voyage à l’étranger
Je suis disponible pour le(s) type(s) d’affectation(s) suivant(s)
Court terme (quelques jours)
Moyen terme (quelques semaines)
Long terme (plus d’un mois)
Si vous souhaitez participer, veuillez expliquer brièvement votre motivation
From Sheffield to Bogotá via Dakar, the international dimension has always been at the core of my academic and professional career. Passionate about social, political and cultural development actions, I am highly motivated to work in a leading independent think tank that wants to make policies in Europe and Africa work for inclusive and sustainable development.

Committed and motivated, my academic and professional background reflects my interest in international development issues and Human Rights. With a Master's degree in Politics and Development in Africa and the South from the Institut d'Études Politiques de Bordeaux and a Master's degree in International Relations from the University of Rosario in Bogotá, Colombia, my dual training has led me to work in three different countries. Thus, I have experienced working in community stabilization, reintegration and capacity building in both developing and post-conflict contexts. Within the framework of the writing of my thesis entitled: "Black Colombia: identity and cultural re-appropriations in mestizo lands". These skills will allow me to fully understand the technical issues of the research projects and to work independently in English and Spanish in an international environment.
I currently work at ADEPT (Africa Europe Development Platform) until September, as a Fellow in charge of project monitoring and communication support. My activities are extremely varied and cover several areas including capacity building activities (thematic working groups, online events, Update project contacts database) for African diaspora development organisations, communication (Event’s reporting, dissemination of communication supports) impact and evaluation (update of the risks matrix, annual activities planification) as well as policy and advocacy (position papers, in depth research and speeches for high level panels).
My experiences first as marketing strategy assistant in a communication agency in Paris have led me to conduct digital campaign strategies at the international scale. Then at the DGSE, General Directorate of Support to Senegalese Abroad of the Senegalese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I gained experience and solid knowledge in the management and coordination of diaspora migration projects within a technical cooperation department. I finally worked as United Nations Volunteer with the Cameroonian association CAMAAY, through a facilitation project aiming to provide potential new migrants an overview of possible migration destinations and the requirements and opportunities that each country provides.

I wish to use my professional and interpersonal skills to actively support and conduct researches on key policy issues including institutions, international organisations, think tanks, academia and social and economic actors from Africa, Europe and beyond. My writing and communication skills will enable me to provide quality, well-written reports in English and French, conduct in-depth research on specific topics and present results for a wide range of partners. Thus, my research experiences with the production of research papers and my thesis both in English, French and Spanish give me the methodology and knowledge to provide quality work.

Specialised in international relations and developement studies, I am looking for a new professionnal opportunity to commit to gender, safe migration and diaspora sensitive development projects.