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Camelia Tigau

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Current Position
Professional (e.g. doctors, nurses, teachers, accountants)
Educational background
Titre du poste actuel
Full-time researcher

Camelia Nicoleta Tigau
Affiliation: Senior Researcher, Center for Research on North America, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Contact,
Prof. Camelia Tigau has a PhD in Political and Social Sciences (2007) and an MA in Communication (2004) from UNAM. She has studied journalism and communication at the University of Bucharest (Romania), the Schools of Journalism in Utrecht (Netherlands) and Aarhus (Denmark).
Since 2009, she has been working as a researcher on skilled migration at the Center for Research on North America (CISAN), UNAM. She was the coordinator of the Area of Integration Studies of CISAN between 2020-2022. She has taught at undergraduate and graduate levels at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the same university.
She is a chair of the International Relations track for LASA 2023. She has been actively participating in the LASA section of international migration and was part of the executive committee of the section (2017-2021).
She has represented CISAN in various other international and national forums. She is a regional vice-president of the Global Research Forum on Diasporas and Transnationalism (India) and co- coordinator of the event organization group of the University Seminar on Internal Displacement, Migration, Exile and Repatriation (SUDIMER) at UNAM.
Her current research project at CISAN is “Migration Diplomacy in North America: the Extreme Case of Displaced Professionals ̈. She was a member of the Chair of Studies on the Americas, a collaboration of the University of Montreal, the Institute for Social Research and CISAN (2021- 2023).
She has been a member of the National System of Researchers of Mexico since 2011. In 2022 she received the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Award, granted by UNAM.
She has written extensively on skilled migration and science diplomacy.
Research Interest:
She was a visiting professor at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto (2022-2023), at the Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, Texas (2016- 2017), and York University, Canada (2010).
· International migration
· Skilled diasporas
· Diaspora communication
· Diplomacy and international communication

Selected Publications
Authored Books
2021. Discriminación y privilegios de la migración calificada: profesionistas mexicanos en Texas (Discrimination and Privileges of Skilled Migration: Mexican Professionals in Texas), CISAN/UNAM, ISBN 978-607-30-3242-1, 316 pages. Based on research at Rice University, Houston and University of Texas at Austin, privilegios-migraci%C3%B3n-calificada-Profesionistas-ebook/dp/B091SJ722L
2013. Riesgos de la fuga de cerebros en México: construcción mediática, posturas gubernamentales y expectativas de los migrantes

Domaine(s) de travail
Situation professionnelle
Domaine(s) d'expertise
Diaspora and Social Change
Diaspora Capital and Development
Diaspora and Humanitarian Support
Innovating Diaspora Communications and Culture
Developing Diaspora Engagement
Entrepreneurship by Diaspora for Development
Organization/Company Name
National Autonomous University of Mexico