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Ressources D'idiaspora

Displaying 11 - 20 of 38
Cover Image Description

Flexible and Locally Led : An Enhanced Approach to Mainstreaming Migration into Local Policy Planning

This publication outlines a new approach to mainstreaming migration into local development plans to harness the role of local authorities as key actors in migration and development initiatives. 
Daphne Henning

Frequently Asked Questions for the Diaspora Sub-Grants

A set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the diaspora sub-grants towards COVID-19 relief and recovery.
Daphne Henning

How to Apply to the COVID-19 Diaspora Grants

A brief guide from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on how to apply for the USAID-funded subgrants for diaspora organizations with interventions in Lebanon, Tunisia or Zimbabwe. The deadline is Wednesday, 18 May, 2022 at 11:59pm EDT.
Daphne Henning

Call for Expressions of Interest to the COVID-19 Sub-grants

From USAID's Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance funded project, "Supporting COVID-19 response and relief at the country level through disbursement and facilitation of sub-grants for selected diaspora organizations," IOM is launching a Call for Expressions of Interest. Use this document to learn more about the project and how to participate.


L’avenir des diasporas est né du constat que les réflexions autour de l’engagement des diasporas se contentent trop souvent d’établir un état de la situation actuelle, sans proposer de vision prospective pourtant indispensable.

Diaspora Engagement Model for Development

Executive Summary

REMITTANCES AND DIASPORA ENGAGEMENT IN SOUTH SUDAN - A policy research with a focus on the South Sudanese community in Australia

This research is part of the project titled Enhancing Knowledge on Remittances and Diaspora Engagement in South Sudan, funded by the IOM Development Fund and managed by IOM South Sudan, in partnership with the Government of South Sudan’s Ministry of Finance and Planning, BSS and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The objective of the study was to fill the knowledge gap on remittances in and to South Sudan, and address policy recommendations on where the Government of South Sudan could make policy guidance to enhance migrant remittances and diaspora engagement.

Fortalecendo as Diásporas Globais na Era Digital

As diásporas são agentes com capacidade para criar conexões e iniciativas transnacionais de apoio às suas comunidades, tanto nos seus países de origem como nos seus países de residência. A tecnologia fornece uma ferramenta inestimável para galvanizar estes esforços da diáspora, permitindo explorar o potencial ilimitado do espaço digital e da colaboração.

Hoja Informatica para el Proyecto Empoderando a la Diáspora Suramericana como Agentes del Desarrollo Sostenible

Este documento es un resumen infromático sobre el proyecto Empoderando a la Diáspora Suramericana como Agentes del Desarrollo Sostenible 

Renforcer les Capacités des Diasporas Mondiales dans l'Ère Numérique

Les diasporas ont la capacité de créer des connexions et des initiatives transnationales pour soutenir leurs communautés tant dans leur pays d’origine que dans leur pays de résidence. La technologie fournit un outil inestimable pour galvaniser ces efforts diasporiques afin d’exploiter le potentiel illimité de l’espace numérique et de la collaboration.