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I am a very enthusiastic entrepreneur from Benin who is always seeking opportunities to contribute to society. With a passion for community building and social entrepreneurship, I founded the Africa Diaspora Network Japan (ADNJ) and the founder Africa Samurai Consulting ( ) which support Japanese companies for business expansion in the African market and provide job opportunities to youth in Africa. My social innovation work has been featured in NHK WORLD Documentary recently. See link: ( With my experience building the Diaspora community and social entrepreneurship, I can contribute to the iDiaspora platform and support members as much as possible. I am also willing to learn from other members and connect with anyone interested in my activities and who needs my network in Japan and Africa...
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Descripción de la Institución

What is Africa Diaspora Network Japan(ADNJ)?
• The ADNJ is a network of the African community in Japan, including those
of African descent that operate different associations with an aim to
strengthen Japanese and African socio-economic development ties;
• It is United Africa in Japan that brings Japanese and African together
as one community through a strong and trustworthy network for the
betterment of both societies;
• It is a membership-based platform, the nexus that aims to bring everyone
together for common actions focusing on community building,
entrepreneurship, business, and culture;
• The platform is open to individuals, companies, national and international
organizations, Universities, Governmental organizations…

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