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Global Exchanges 2021 - Maximizing diaspora engagement

26 avril 2021

Global Exchanges 2021 - Maximizing diaspora engagement

Global Exchanges 2021 - Maximizing diaspora engagement

Building trust, mobilizing resources, and ensuring sustainability 



 In 2020, iDiaspora coordinated three global exchanges with members of the diaspora responding to the pandemic. Through these virtual dialogues, different actors involved in the development of diasporic initiatives in America, Europe, Africa, and Asia were able to learn and share relevant experience to better include their members when responding to the global health crisis. These events convened nearly 300 stakeholders including diaspora leaders, policymakers, academics and social workers interested in learning more about how diasporas responded to the COVID-19. 

These three global events contributed to the better understanding of diaspora engagement on three different levels. First, as a result of these events, it was possible to identify the different ways that transnational communities responded to the global pandemic through prevention, protection, relief, and recovery interventions. Second, during these sessions, participants shared a set of good practices in diaspora engagement based on connections, partnerships, and self-empowerment. Finally, through these discussions, participants were able to identify synergies and concrete collaboration opportunities. A key example was the foundation of the Global Diaspora Confederation, the world’s largest diaspora-led civic society organization to bring together diaspora organizations from across the world. 

Although there are relevant global actors and important initiatives emerging to accelerate diaspora’s contributions to their homelands and hostlands, there are common challenges faced by stakeholders such as the lack of trust, difficulties regarding fundraising and the sustainability of initiatives in the long-term, preventing diasporas to reach their full potential and the establishment of more collaborative and successful environments for diaspora global engagement.  

The 2021 Global Exchanges aim to gather experts on these topics to provide information on how to overcome common challenges faced by stakeholders engaging in transnational initiatives. By providing concrete strategies on how to build trustworthy relationships, find resources and funding and develop long-term strategies, stakeholders will be able to boost their transnational initiatives.  


  • Continue contributing to the self-mobilization and empowerment of diasporas by providing a space for sharing, coordination, and collaboration between different diaspora communities around the world.   

  • Analyze and provide insights to self-identified common challenges such as trust, fundraising and sustainability. 

  • Identify key lessons and best practices on the three key topics that will help global diasporas facing similar challenges to overcome them.  

Target Audiences:  

  • Diaspora organisations and leaders 

  • Diaspora affairs office/unit/desk  

  • International organisations specializing in diaspora affairs 

  • Development cooperation partners  

  • Academia 

1st Global Exchange - Building Trust 

Date: 27th April 2021 

Time : 16.00 – 18.00 CEST 

The first 2021 Global Exchange will focus on building trust to maximise diaspora engagement.  

The purpose of this event is to unpack the different dimensions of trust in diaspora engagement. Stakeholders will be invited to provide thoughts on this topic from their perspectives and experiences.  

Discussions will be centered around the following questions: 

  • Why is trust relevant in diaspora engagement and how can stakeholders and diaspora communities maximize it?  

  • How do stakeholders working on diaspora engagement build trust at the local, national, regional and international levels?  

  • What works best in strengthening mutual trust among the different stakeholders working in diaspora engagement?  

2nd Global Exchange – Mobilizing resources  

Date: 27th May 2021 

Time: 16.00 – 18.00 CEST 

The second Global Exchange will focus on mobilizing resources to maximise diaspora engagement.  

The purpose of this event is to invite participants to discuss strategies to mobilize resources to feed diaspora engagement initiatives.  

Discussions will be centered around the following questions: 

  • What are the main challenges that diasporas face while seeking resources to fund their activities?  

  • What are the key elements to consider when running successful fundraising campaigns or events? How can we adapt these elements to the digital world?  

  • What are few examples of successful strategies of fundraising by diaspora organisations?  

  • How can diasporas maximize their crowdfunding campaigns? How can they integrate technology in these efforts?  

  • What elements are fundamental to maintain a long-lasting and good relationship with donors?  


3rd Global Exchange – Ensuring sustainability  

Date: 17th June 2021 

Time: 16.00 – 18.00 CEST 

The third Global Exchange will focus on ensuring sustainability of diaspora engagement initiatives.  

The purpose of this event is to analyze best practices on how to ensure long-term viability of diaspora engagement initiatives and programmes.  

Discussions will be centered around the following questions: 

  • Why is it important to consider a long-term perspective in the development and design of diaspora engagement initiatives?  

  • What are the main challenges faced by practitioners working on diaspora engagement in ensuring the sustainability of their initiatives? How is it possible to overcome these challenges?  

  • What are they key elements that you have considered in designing diaspora engagement initiatives to ensure their long-term sustainability?  

  • How can diaspora leaders and networks maximize their long-term collaboration and synergies?   

  • What are the main strategies for ensuring a long-term vision in diaspora engagement?  

Online simultaneous interpretation in Spanish and French will be available for the events.